Chapter 21: The start of something

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Josh's Pov
"Is she going to come?" Elli asks for the millionth time. Ever since she woke up one thing was on her mind, and that was the gorgeous blonde.

"I don't know Elli" I repeat, looking up from my computer to my daughter who's sitting on living room couch.

"Can you call her?" She asks curiously.

I shake my head and sigh "Sweety, Maya's working I'm not going to bother her" she rolls her eyes and shake her head.

"I'll talk on the phone" she smiles "Elli-" I start but she cuts me off "Daddy please, she said she was going to come" she whines.

"Okay" I breathe out admitting defeat. I place my computer on the coffee table and grab my phone, I unlock it and scroll down my contact list until I find Maya's number.

"Here" I say handing Elli my phone once I pressed the call button.

I sit back down and continue my work on my computer whilst Elli wait for Maya to answer. "Hi" she says catching my attention "I'm good" she smiles "Okay" she replies turning her gaze to meet mine.

"She wants to talk to you" she says removing the phone from her ear and handing it to me. "Me?" She nods and I stand up taking the phone from her hands "Hello?" I ask "Hey Josh" Maya says through the phone making my heart skip a beat "Hey gorgeous" I say making my daughter giggle.

"I told Ellianna I would pass by today would you mind if I did?" She asks making me furrow my eyebrows, "Maya you do know you can come whenever you want right?" I ask "You don't have to ask me" I add.

"It would seem rude to unexpectedly just show up at your house" she argues making me shake my head in amusement.

"Right well, your welcome anytime"

"Thank you, did the both of you have lunch yet?" She curiously asks "Nop" I say popping the p.

"Do you want me to bring some burgers?" I smirk and nod, not realising she can't see me.

"Well Elli doesn't like them because according to her ballerina's can't eat those, but it would be the greatest moment of my life if you can actually make her eat one"

"Well I'm going to prove her wrong and after one bite she'll be addicted. I'll be there in half an hour"

"Great" I smile "See you in a bit"


Maya's Pov
"Maya" Elli exclaim as she sees me walk through the front door of her apartment. A smile pulls at my lips as I look at her move her hip from side to side, unable to contain her excitement of seeing me.

"Hey sweety" I say letting Josh grab the bags with the take out food since he opened the door for me. "How are you?" I ask kneeling down in front of her "Better now that your here" she admits making a smile pull at my lips.

"I thought you enjoyed spending time with your dad" she nods "I do, but I like it better when the both of you are here, together" she smirks making me shake my head in amusement.

"You hungry baby girl?" Josh asks placing the bags on the coffee table. "Very" she answers trying to peak inside the bags "What did you bring?" She questions her gaze leaving the bags and meeting mine.

"Well before we eat I have a question, who told you ballerinas can't eat burgers?" I ask making her shrug "It's not healthy" she says matter of factly.

I nod "That's true, but one burger won't hurt anybody" I say grabbing one of the bags "So I got you a burger and I want you to eat it" she gently shakes her head "Elli" I whine taking the burger I got for her out "You'll love it" I assure her.

She takes it from my hand but does no effort into trying it. "Elli you look up to me right?" She nods "Well I'm a ballerina and I eat burgers" I say taking a bite of my own burger.

She sighs and finally takes a bite of her burger. Her eyes widen as she chews her food and I know I've got her. "What do you think?" I question "Ilikeit" she murmurs making me laugh "Elli I didn't understand what you said" she sighs but smiles "I love it" she admits taking another bite this time it's a lot bigger than the first one.

I turn and look at Josh with a smile "You're welcome".


When I came here to see Elli I thought I would just stay a few hours and then I'd go back to my apartment. I never thought I'd stay for dinner nor end up tucking Elli to bed once more.

"Thanks for coming" she says before letting out a soft yawn, a smile pulls at my lips as I caress her cheek. "My pleasure, now get some sleep little princess" I lean forwards and place a kiss on her cheek. "Goodnight" I say before leaving her room. "Goodnight Maya" she murmurs.

I walk to the kitchen and find Josh doing the dishes. "Hey" I say softly catching his attention, "Hey" he smiles before turning his attention back to the plate he's washing. "Did she go down easy?" He questions as I nod "She went down fast" I chuckle.

"Thanks for coming today" he says placing the clean plate in the cupboard before turning to face me. "I should be the one thanking you" I insist but he shakes his head taking a few steps forwards until we're literally face to face.

"You have nothing to thank me for. Ellianna adores you and I'm extremely thankful for the way you are around her" he admits taking another step forward closing the distance between us, making my breath hitch.

"Josh" I breathe out taking a step back but my foot hits a cupboard. Great he has me cornered. "What?" He smirks making my heart skip a beat "I really like you Maya" he admits moving a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"And I really like spending time with you" he adds softly caressing my cheek. "Would you be mad if I kissed you?" He asks softly leaning down.

I shake my head and before I know it his lips land on mine making my eyes flutter shut. Shockwaves spread through my body as I smile into the kiss knowing I waited ages for the boy of my dreams to kiss me and now that it was finally happening I couldn't believe it.

I wrap my arms around his neck whilst his snake around my waist pulling me closer. His lips part mine making a soft moan fall from my lips as I kiss him harder.

"Wow" I breathe out once we pull away. He smirks and leans down placing another kiss on my lips this time it's only a quick peck. Is this the start of something new?


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