Chapter 17: You like me?

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Maya's Pov
"And what did you say?" Riley presses "I did say anything I panicked" I exclaim making her groan.

"Maya-" she starts but I cut her off "Riles I know but he took me by surprise and I just freaked out" I explain pacing back and forth.

"So you're not denying the fact that you like him as well?" She smiles making me sigh "Riles I always liked Josh" I admit softly.

The bell rings and my head whips in that direction, my eyebrows furrow in confusion as I see Elli walking in with Topanga. Where's Josh?

"Good morning girls" Topanga says brightly as Elli brushes past her and throws herself at me, something she does everyday now, it's adorable.

"Hey Mrs.Matthews" I smile looking up at her "Where's Josh?" I ask curiously "He had something to do today" Elli answers, I look down at her and furrow my eyebrows "Do you know what?" Even though it might be personal or urgent I don't want him to think that I don't like him and that now he has to avoid me, gosh that would be the last thing I would want.

"I don't know" she shrugs "Okay" I smile kneeling down "Go in room 4 and start stretching I'll be there in a sec" she nods and scurries down the hallway.

"He um, he went to see Maria" Topanga explain softly "He seemed to be having a bad day" she adds making my heart break "You don't think it's because of last night do you?" I question turning around to face Riley, but the look on her face answers my question. Shit what have I done?

"Riles tell Elli that I had an emergency thing to handle but I'll be back soon, tell her to run through her dance and um just you know give her whatever advice you think is best" I explain rapidly before grabbing my keys "I'll be right back" Riley nods and I leave the studio rushing towards my car.


Josh's Pov
"I miss you" I breathe out wiping a tear that had fallen. "You gave birth to an amazing girl" I smile softly "She looks exactly like you and she's also goofy." I chuckle softly as I let more tears fall.

Sometimes I wondered how my life would've been if Elli's mom was still alive. During the first few years I tried to convince myself to fall in love again, to find someone who would love me and Elli, but after a while it seemed impossible and after what happened last night I think Elli and I are better off together.

"Josh" My head whips in the direction of the voice that had called me. A gorgeous blonde stood a few feet away from me. "Maya" I croak out.

She nods and slowly takes a few steps forward, "Hey" she smiles softly, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion "What are you doing here?" Topanga picked up Elli and dropped her off to have a private.

"I thought Elli had a private" I ask, she nods and sits next to me. "Riley's teaching Elli, I-I came here to see you" she admits softly.

"Why?" I breathe out.

"Because of last nigh-" she starts but I cut her off "I shouldn't of said what I said and I'm really sorry" her eyebrows furrow and I can't help but notice the hurt her eyes are showing off. She bites her lip and thears her gaze away from me to the headstone in front of us.

"I used to come here a lot" she admits as I continue to look at her "Every Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, do you know why?" She questions her eyes still fixed on the headstone.

"No" I breathe out.

"Wednesdays because you and Maria were always at the loft for dinner, the both of you helped me with my homework whilst Topanga made dinner" she starts her gaze finally meeting mine as our eyes lock. "Fridays because it was Riley's and Lucas's date night so you and Maria picked me up at school and we'd do stuff together. Sundays because that was the day of the week she passed away and the day of the week you decided to leave everyone" She explains as my heart breaks, "Since the both of you left, I was a mess, so on those days of the week I came here. Sometimes I'd spend more than five hours" she admits making my eyes widen "Each day I'd think of what we did on a day" she looks down at her fidgeting fingers and takes a deep breath before continuing.

"One day Maria came to my place, she was about six month pregnant with Elli" she starts softly as I listen carefully "We spent the whole afternoon together, we talked a lot, some topics were random goofing around stuff, but some were deep serious conversation. I remember when she made me admit I had a crush on you" she chuckles making a small smile appear on my lips.

"I thought she'd hate me because I was a girl who liked her boyfriend and the father to her kid, but no" she shakes her head gently "She was happy" she says but it sounded more like a question, like she was trying to assure herself of that statement.

"When I asked her why she wasn't mad she told me that if something were to ever happen to her, she knew I'd always be there for you, she trusted me, and-and" she stops quickly wiping a few tears that had fallen from her eyes "I-I failed her" she finishes looking back up at me, her eyes glossed over with unshead tears.

"You both left and I-I lost myself, I lost a best friends, and a guy who always had a special place to my heart" she cries.

I slowly lift my hand and wipe her tears away as I slowly move closer to her. "Maya" I start looking down at her lovingly "You still have me, you didn't lose me" I assure her caressing her cheek "I'm sorry" I whisper.

She shakes her head and hugs me, burying her face in the crook of my neck. "Just never leave again, I like you too much to not have you in my life" she murmurs making a smile pull at my lips.

Maybe I was wrong, maybe there is someone that could love me and Elli.

"You like me?" I ask pulling away, she shakes her head amusingly as a small smile pulls at her lips "I never stopped" she admits softly as she looks up at me lovingly.

"I like you too"
Updating early for you lucky people. Hope you enjoyed this chapter is you did please make sure to vote and leave a comment down below,


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