Chapter 32: Smackle and training

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"Good morning everyone, I'd like to start by thanking you all for meeting me here earlier" I start clasping my hands together as I look at everyone cramped in the biggest room we had. "And by also thanking all the parents for making sure your kids aren't wearing neon colours" I add smiling at my students who are all sitting on the floor.

"As you all know we're going to have a very special visitor today, Isadora Smackle" I announce making everyone cheer. I laugh and wait for them to settle before continuing, "Of course that is some very exciting news but it also means that for today I'd like for everyone to follow our rules correctly, in the past few years I let a few things slide but for today I expect everyone to be on their best behaviour, and I'm sure that won't be a problem because you are all angel" I smile.

"Parents you are dismissed" I say making them all nod before ushering out of the room.

"Now" I clap my hands "Tomorrow is the last day before the show" I admit making them all start talking to each other. "Hey!" I catch their attention "We don't have time for chitchat, we need to make sure everything is perfect" I take a deep breath before going.

"The first two hours are just going to be stretching and getting your costumes and props on so we can start rehearsing" I explain "And for the rest of the day we're going at the back of the building were the big stage is and we'll practise there, you all got it?" They all nod and I motion to Heather to start the lesson.

"Advance class you go with Ms. Hunter" she announces making about 20 students to walk out with me.

"What room are we going to?" Elli asks catching up to me. "5, take the others I'll be right there" she nods and I stop at the reception desk where Riley and Jenny are, whilst the others all go into the other room.

"You girls got this?" I ask as they both nod. "Relax Maya, everything will go smoothly" Riley assures me as Jenny nods in agreement. "She'll love the building" Jenny adds making me smile.

"Thank you" I say before walking to the studio where my class is. I open the door and find them all on the floor stretching as Elli tells a story about how she got her first backflip.


A knock on the door catches my attention as Riley walks in with the one and only Isadora Smackle. "This is Maya the owner and one of the teachers" Riley introduces me. "Take 5 girls" They all nod and quickly huddle whispering about Smackle.

"Thank you for having me" she smiles before pulling me in for a hug. Ah! I'm hugging one of the best ballet dancers in the world. "Thank you for coming, it's a pleasure to meet you" I say as we pull away, taking my time to admire her.

Her dark brown hair is restinh beautifully on her shoulder and her skin holds a natural tan making her even more gorgeous. "I'm sorry to interrupt your class" she apologises making me wave her off, "It's no big deal honestly, we were just about to put our pointe shoes on to start rehearsing" I explain making her nod in understanding.

"Oh how exciting" she smiles clasping her hands together and looking at my students. "This is the advance class right?" She asks making me nod, "Yeah" I reply.

"Isn't that little blonde girl a little too young to be in the advanced class?" She asks confused making me glance at Ellianna. I smile and shake my head, "In all honesty she's one of our best dancers" I admit making her raise her brows, "I look forward to seeing her dance then" she smiles.


Smackle leave later than I expected making me more on edge than usual, she seemed to really like the building especially my training technique so I had nothing to worry about, except all her question came back to Ellianna for some reason, she was set on knowing everything about that little girl and it started to bother me quite a bit.

It's around 7 almost 8 and the only ones left are my advance class and their group dance. I glance at all of them making sure they put their costumes on correctly. You'd be surprise by the number of students who can't put their costumes on correctly.

"Okay" I clap my hands catching their attention. "Please do the best you can so I can fix any little problems as fast as possible" I warn as they nod.

"Remember, straight legs, point your feet and most importantly, pour your hearts out" I remind them as they all smile and nod in agreement.

"Good" I smile walking down the stage to one of the many seats. Out of nowhere Josh sits next to me making me furrow my brows, he's suppose to be painting snowmans. "Relax I'm waiting for them to dry so I can do the other side" he assures me once he sees my confused face.

The song starts making me thear my gaze away from Josh to the stage. This had to be one of my favourite routines I choreographed. Ellianna and one of the youngest boys in my class portrayed two kids trying to catch Santa bringing their gifts and the others portrayed Santa's elfs trying to help hide Santa. It's a little comedy but the technique is extremely advance, not to mention their timing must be on point.

I watch very carefully and take note a few notes on what needs to be improved by tomorrow but overall they pretty much nailed it. Once the music ends and they all stand in their last pose, Josh and I stand up whilst clapping our hands.

"Very good" I complement walking towards them. "You all did great, the only thing that needs to be improved is your position on the stage, and for some reason you are all rushing your movements too much, I know you're trying to hide Santa but" I trail off as they chuckle, "Let your movements finish, take your time, show off and don't hold back".

I dismiss them all and the only person left to dance is Ellianna. She quickly changes into her other costume and before I known it she dancing her solo. I watch carefully, wanting her every move to be on point to show her off to Smackle, who I'm sure is doubting the fact that Elli deserves to be in the advanced class. She lands her last pose and I'm pleased go say that she did not have one single flaw.

"You did amazing tonight" I compliment giving her a quick hug. "Can we have burgers tonight?" She asks making me laugh and nod, "sure".

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