Chapter 28: We need to talk

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Josh's Pov
Too say that I'm nervous doesn't even begin to cover how I'm feeling right now. Elli and I headed back home and both took our showers. Elli changed into her pyjamas and I changed into a bunch of clothes until Elli approved my outfit, which was a pair of black jeans and a white button up.

After having a long discussion with her about being nice to Riley and not being a little pain in the neck we made our way to my niece's house.

"Are you sure?" I ask Riley for the thousandth time as she pushes me out of her door. "Seriously Josh I got it" she insists making me sigh.

"Okay" I breathe out "Goodnight Elli, I'll see you tomorrow morning" I say making her smile and nod "Yes you will now go and be nice to Maya"she smirks making me chuckle.

"Bye Niece" I say causing Riley to open her arms and to pull me into a hug. "Have fun with Maya, you two deserve each other, don't ruin this Josh" she whispers in my ear making me nod as I pull away from her.

"Don't worry" She smiles "Go you're going to be late" I look down at my watch and realise that she's right if I don't leave now I'll be late to pick Maya up, and that'll be the worst first impression to have on our first date.

"Right goodnight" I say leaving Riley's apartment and rushing to my car before speeding off to Maya's place.

I make it in a record of time and I find myself taking deep breaths to calm my nerves down. After a few minutes I finally climb out of my car and make my way to Maya's apartment.

I stand in front of her door, biting my lip as I hold my hand up to knock on her door. Before I even get the chance to knock the door flies open and all the oxygen leaves my lungs as my eyes land on Maya.

"Hey" she smiles shyly as I admire her. Her red dress hugged her body showing off all her curves in all the right places. Her hair fell in perfect waves around her and AHHHH

"Hi" I breathe out making her chuckle, "You look" I trail off rubbing the back of my neck as I look for the right word.

She bites her lip in anticipation as she looks at me "Sexy as hell" I say making her giggle, "Jesus Maya" I say wrapping my arms around her.

"Thank you" She smiles "You don't look so bad yourself" She says pulling away slightly as her eyes roam admiring my outfit. "Thank you, it was Elli's option" I add causing her to chuckle.

"You're daughter's got some good choices" She admits making me shrug "She gets it from her dad" I admit making Maya laugh "Ha, you wish" she says making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah" I say pulling away from her "You ready to go?" I ask.

"I just need to put my shoes on" she says quickly rushing to her room to retrieve her shoes. I look around and my eyebrows furrow as I notice her apartment is basically empty. She has furniture but there's carton boxes scattered around, as if she never finished unpacking.

A few minutes later she comes back with black heels on making her a few inches taller as she stands next to me. "Now we can go" She smiles taking my hand as I lead her out of her apartment.


"So" I say making her look up from her plate. I decided to take her to this Italian restaurant Cory recommended and so far it was perfect. Maya ordered some spaghetti Bolognese whilst I went for some Carbonara. Overall we were both happy and were enjoying our time together.

"So" She repeats before taking a sip of her water. "Why is your apartment empty?" I question making her shrug.

"I never have time to unpack" She replies making me eye her sceptically. "What?" She asks once she sees me looking at her.

"I saw your schedule" I admit making her eyebrows furrow "Why would you do that?" She asks as I bite my tongue.

The truth was I looked at her schedule because I wanted to have an idea of when she's free and when she's busy, which is why my working hours are exactly the same as her.

I shrug "when Riley was talking to me in the office I caught a glimpse of it" I lie causing her to sigh.

"It's because I actually never liked that apartment" She admits "My parents got it for me as a birthday present, I lived with my boyfriend and we had just broken up and I needed somewhere to go. My parents thought buying me a new place without my presence was a good idea" She explains.

"Why don't you like it?" I question, "Because I always planned to buy an apartment next to Riley's or my parents, yes the apartment I have now is gorgeous and all, but I have to drive half an hour to get to Riley's and twenty minutes to my parents. I just feel far from everyone" She explains making me nod, "So I never fully unpacked because some part of me is just waiting until I move out" she adds.

"That's understandable" I say "Yeah, but I feel like my parents wouldn't understand they paid a fortune for that place and I don't have the heart to move out" she sighs.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind, especially if you move closer to them" I say making her shrug.

"We'll have to see when I actually end up moving out" She says making me nod.


Maya's Pov
Going on a date with Josh was perfect. He took me to a cute Italian restaurant, the food was amazing and he took me to another place for dessert. Overall he's been such a gentleman that my twelve year old self can't handle it. It's always been a dream of mine to go out with him, and now that it happened I can't wait to go out on more dates with him.

As planned he took me back to his place except during dinner we talked about just watching a movie and enjoying each other's presences when we get there, well that never happened.

Right now he's carrying me up the stairs as his lips move against mine in perfect sync. He stumbles on a step making me giggle before I instantly connect our lips again.

No matter how much I knew we had to slow down and take a breather to discuss this, I don't want to stop. All I want is Josh, and now that I had him, I didn't want to risk the chance of losing him.

We make it to his floor, but our unwillingness to break away from each other causes us to crash on the wall a few times. I moan against his lips, feeling his tongue slide against mine. He stops moving and I'm guessing we reached his door. I hear his keys jingle as he's trying to open the door. When  he finally gets it open we stumble inside, his lips leave mine as he quickly takes the keys from the door and shuts it with his foot.

Whilst he does that my brain finally catches up with my body and I stop kissing his neck. I pull back and look at him, finding his pupils blown wide and a smile at his lips.

"We need to talk" I whisper causing his smile to turn into a slight frown, his eyes to cloud with worry and his eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

"Okay" he says walking to the couch.

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