Chapter 36: Broadway?

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"Broadway?" Josh questions unsure looking down at his daughter eating lunch. The show was yesterday and tomorrow we had to have an answer for Smackle about Broadway. It has always been a dream of mine to perform on a Broadway show but with the build up of my studio I never had the chance to concentrate on any Shows besides the ones I was hosting.

"I don't know Maya" Josh sighs "She's just seven" he argues running his fingers through his brown hair. "I know that Josh but if we do accept it, she'll have me, I'll help her with anything. This could be amazing for her future Josh, you have to understand that" I remind him but he scoffs.

"Her future? You just want to go on Broadway Maya this has nothing to do with her future" he says making me gape at him. "Are serious?" I question looking at him like he's lost his mind.

"Josh I really don't want to argue with you" I admit softly. "And I'm not being selfish" I add pointedly "You know I love Elli and that I'm always going to put her before me" I say before walking away.

"Wait" he stops me catching my wrist. I turn back letting him pull me against him. "I'm sorry" he apologises "It's just a lot to take in" he admits. "I just really don't want to make a bad decision that will ruin her life" I smile and shake my head as I lift my hand to caress his cheek. "You could never baby" I say softly. "No matter what you choose, everything will work out" I assure him before leaning up to press my lips against his.


"Elli" I call walking into the living room expecting to find the seven year old on the couch watching Tv. I furrow my brows when the living room is empty and I walk to the kitchen to see if she's there. Josh had to go to work making me in charge of Elli for a few hours.

"Elli" I pop my head in the kitchen doorway but she's not there. I put my hands on my hip, thinking for a second where she could be, suddenly a smirk pulls at my lips when I realise that she might be in her dancing room. I walk to the room and find the door ajar, I peek through it and fair enough she has her pink leotard will practising turns on her turnbaord.

I slowly push the door open and lean against the door frame until she notices my presence. She finishes her turn beautiful and her eyes meet mine through the mirror. "Hey" I say softly, "Hi" she breathe out leaning down to pick her turnboard, she walks to her shelf and put her turnboard down before walking towards me.

"I don't want to go to Broadway" she admits making me furrow my brows in confusion. "What? Why not?" I question kneeling down in front of her. "I just don't want to go" she says simply trying to walk away from me but I catch her wrist and gently pull her back in front of me. "What's going on sweetheart?" I ask softly seeing her eyes fill with unshead tears. "Broadway is making you and daddy fight. I don't want to go if it means we can't be together" she cries.

"Baby no" I shake my head, lifting my hand to wipe her tears. "We weren't fighting we were just having a misunderstanding" I explain. "We just had different opinions but we worked them out, I'm not mad at him" I assure her pulling her in for a hug. She wraps her arms around my neck and I hold her small frame against me. We stay like that for a few seconds until I come up with an idea, "How about we go shopping?" I question pulling away with a smirk. "Yes" she nods vigoursly with a giggle tumbling from her lips.


"Can we go get some froyo?" Elli asks hopefully looking up at me with her father's sparkling blue eyes. "Yup" I say popping the p, leading her where the froyo is. We had such a great time in the mall and if Josh saw all the things I bought he would murder me. I may have spoiled Ellianna with a few clothes and dance stuff, but I couldn't help myself. I never had a daughter to shop for and Elli looked super cute when she tried on the outfits that I wanted to get her more.

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