Chapter 15: Realisation

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Josh's Pov
That's the guy she's going out with! I'm not going to lie he is quite good looking, no wonder Maya's going out with him, but there's one test he is going to have to pass with her and that's his personality. If this is there first date than there is a chance that Maya won't like him.

I watch as he quickly kisses her cheek making me bite my lip before I say something I shouldn't. I avert my gaze and try and erase the image of Maya and him together. "You ready?" I hear her say as I look back up, she's looking at Elli who's still in her arms. I love the fact that Elli and Maya are somewhat close, it was Elli's dream and now it's actually happening.

"Yes" my daughter replies. They both stand up and make their way to the room "See you later Josh" Maya smiles at me making me nod.

I watch as she closes the door and once it's closed I let out a sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"You've got it bad dude" I hear my niece say whilst she chuckles, "What do you mean?" I ask confused "You like Maya" she states simply, I shake my head "I don't like Maya" I argue "Why does everyone think I like her?" I ask frustrated.

"Sit" Riley says tapping her hand on the chair next to her. I do as she says and look at her. "Maybe your emotions and feelings haven't caught up with your brain yet but" she starts making me glare at her "The way you interact with her is extremely obvious that you do have some sort of feelings for her" she explains as I try and process everything she's saying "You always have a smile when your around her and if your in a room full of people and she's there you'll only look at her. Your eyes sparkle a lot more, just like when you were with Maria. Ever since you came to New York and saw Maya you've been happy again" I hate to admit that she is right, ever since I came here I haven't had one day where I just wanted to stay home and do nothing because I always had her on my mind, I've always had a smile on my face everytime I came here because I got to see a gorgeous blonde. I just never thought I'd actually start falling for her.

"What do I do?" I ask looking at my niece who's smile got wider "Riles you cannot tell her" I say as a matter of factly, she shakes her head "I won't because you will" She says making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion "Why would I?" I question "She will never like me back and anyways she's going out with that dude" I sigh and look to the ground.

"No, no" Riley shakes her head "Maya does like you" she says making my head whip in her direction and my heart skip a beat "She's always talking about you" she admits "Whether it's about something you said or something you did, or how amazing you are at being a father or how good looking you looked, there is not one day where she doesn't talk about you" a smile pulls at my lips as I think about Maya liking me. It reminds me of when she used to have a crush on me and we made a promise to be together someday.

"What do I do?" I ask once more.


Maya's Pov
"So?" I ask stepping out of the bathroom to show Riley my outfit. After the private with Elli she came back to my place to help me get ready. "You look amazing Peaches" she smiles admiring me. I decided against a dress since I wanted to be dressed more comfortably for this date instead I'm wearing black skinny jeans with a black see through button up that showed my black lace push up bra. It's a lot of black but Riley said I looked sexy in that colour so I don't see why not.

Ding Dong

I look up at the clock on my ceiling and see that he's right on time. I look at Riley and a smile pulls at my lips. We make our way to my front door and once I open it my mouth goes dry. His white shirt hugged his muscles perfectly and his hair is styled differently, it made me want to run my fingers through them even more. "Hey gorgeous" he smiles but something about him calling me gorgoeus just felt wrong, Josh is the knly one who calls me that so hearing someone else say it feels weird.

"Hey" I force a smile as he eyes my body. "Well I should get going" Riley says walking towards me "Have fun on your date" she whispers as she hugs me. "I'll try" I smile watching her walk down the hall.

"You ready?" He asks making me nod "Yeah".

We walk down the stairs and climb into his car. I keep my gaze on the window to try and avoid this uncomfortable silence which unfortunately lasts the whole way to the restaurant.

He parks his car and we climb out walking to the front door. "Table for two" he asks one of the hostess who nods and leads us to our table. We sit down and he stares at his menu.

"Hello my name is John and I'll be your waiter this evening" the waiter says making me look up at him "What can I get the two of you to drink?" He asks politely "I'll have some wine" I say making him nod "Is red okay?" He asks making me nod "What about you sir?" He asks looking down at Kevin "I'll just have some water" the waiter nods and smile "I'll be right back with your drinks" he walks away and I look around. I've never been here and I glad that he didn't take me to a very fancy restaurant.

"So" he starts making me look back at him "Have you ever been here before?" He asks in an attempt to start a conversation, "No" I shake my head "Well they have really good food here" he says making me smile "I hope so" I chuckle and just like the conversation started it ended making us fall back to the uncomfortable silence.

Luckily the waiter comes and saves us. He places our drinks in front of us and I pick up my glass taking a sip of my wine. "Are you ready to order?" He asks taking his notebook out and pencil from behind his ear. "Yes" Kevin replies "I'll have a the steak cooked medium rare with a side of salade" the waiter nods and writes it down "And for the lady?" he asks his gaze lifting from his notebook to me.

I open my mouth to order but before anything comes out of it Kevin answers "She'll have the chicken salade" my eyes widen as I stare at him. Did he really just order a salade for me? Who on Earth does that?

The waiter looks at me and slowly nods writing the order down before leaving. "You'll love the salade it's amazing" Kevin says makingbme scoff. It better be. "You know as a ballerina we should work out sometimes, I mean I heard ballerinas are extremely tough and hard working-" I zoon out and start thinking about everything that happened since he picked me up for our date.

I'm starting to realise the kind of guy he is. A selfish good looking jerk. He never complimented on my outfit or held the door for me or did anything romantic or cute. He fucking ordered me a salade. This was a bad idea.

My phone rings bringing me out of my thoughts and making Kevin stop talking. I give him an apologetic smile and dig my phone out of my perse. I find a message from my mom and I decide to use it as an advantage. "Shit" I mutter before looking up at Kevin "Is everything okay?" He asks worriedly "Um, actually not really" I say slowly pushing my chair out "My mom needs me" I say standing up "I'm sorry but it's an emergency" I take a few steps back but he stands up "Do you need me to drive?" He asks and right now I'm really thankful he didn't question me.

I shake my head "No it's fine, I'm really sorry" He shakes his head and waves me off "Don't worry about it I understand" I smile and nod before leaving the restaurant. I start walking towards a cab but I notice a familiar face. "Josh?"

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