Chapter 11: Mimi & Papa

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Maya's Pov
Elli has been dancing here for two days and everyone adored her. She was tiny but mighty. When you first see her all you can do is gush at how cute she is, and when you see her dance she leaves you speechless.

"Good job" I say whilst the other students clap. I had made them learn a new routine and they were now dancing it one by one.

"Elli, you're next" she nods and stands up, walking to to middle of the room where she takes her position.

Each day she seemed to impress me. When I decided to put her in the advance class I had a fear it would be too much for her and she wouldn't be able too keep up, but she's actually doing a lot better than most of my students and she's half their age.

The music starts and I focus on her moves making sure her technique is right. Throughout the dance I'm amazed by how much emotion she expresses. A lot of dancers struggle with that, but seeing how much she puts in shows that she was meant to be a dancer.

She gets into her last pose and everyone claps. "Beautiful" I say when she reaches me, I high five her and call the next student.


Josh's Pov
I walk to the reception of the studio and get met by Riley. "Hey Uncle Josh" she smiles taking a sip of her coffee "I find it quite annoying that you didn't tell me you worked here" I say leaning against her desk "Well I just help out on Monday's and Wednesday's I don't technically work here" she shrugs making me roll my eyes "Still" I argue.

"Oh hey Josh" Maya says walking out of one of the rooms "Hey" I smile, she walks to one of the drawers at the desk and I take time to secretly admire her. Her hair is up in a tight pony tail, she's wearing leggings making her ass look amazing and she's only wearing a sports bra making my mouth go dry as I stare at her beautiful body.

"Elli got a rip" she says taking out a bandage from the drawing snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Bad one?" I ask as she shakes her head "Nah" she shakes her head walking back into the room. I follow her and find my daughter sitting on a chair with her foot on a stool. Once her eyes land on me she grins and I shake my head "Oh no" I say as Maya kneels down in front of my daughter to wrap her foot.

"She's still having her private tonight right?" I question as my daughter nods "Yeah" Maya answers.

"There you go sweety" she stands back up. "Thank you" Elli says walking towards me, I pick her up and smile "My little baby" I kiss her cheek making her chuckle. "Ready to go?" I ask "Yeah, see you later Ms. Hunter" she waves making Maya smile "Bye Ms. Hunter" I say making her chuckle.

"Where going to go have lunch with Mimi and Papa" I inform once we get into the car.

"Okay" she smiles "Do you think they can come and see me dance?" She asks as I shrug.

"I don't know sweety, but you can ask them".

I park the car in front of the restaurant Elli's grandparents told me to meet them at and sigh. I'm not excited to see them again, they always tried to find something I did wrong in raising Elli so they could take her away. Although theh could try everything, I would never let them take her away, Elli means too much to me for me to give her up.

We climb out of the car and walk in the restaurant hand in hand. I immediately spot them sitting at a table laughing at something. We walk towards them and as soon as their eyes land on us a wide smile pulls at their lips.

"Ellianna" her grandma gushes standing up from her seat and pulling my daughter in for a hug. "Hi mimi" she smiles hugging her back.

"Hey my beautiful granddaughter" her grandpa says hugging her once she pulled away from her grandma.

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