Chapter 27: Secret duet and a date

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Maya's Pov
"So you want the duet to be a surprise?" I ask slightly confused by what Riley is suggesting.

Elli and I headed down to the studio a bit early to get a head start on the day. Josh stayed back enjoying his sleep and he's probably going back to his store before coming down here. Leaving Elli with me for the day.

"Yeah" Riley replies trying to see if I understood. After a few minutes of me staying silent she groans and explains again.

"I placed your duet with Elli last, meaning it has to be big, we want a big finish. Josh has been helping you out with all the props and costumes and he watched Elli practise. My idea was for you two to dedicate your duet to him" she says raising her eyebrows expectantly.

"Oh" I breathe out finally understanding what she meant. "Oh" I repeat this time with more excitement as I realise how amazing that idea can be.

"What do you think Elli?" I ask glancing at the little girl. She smiles and nods "Yes! I want to surprise daddy".

I look back at Riley and see her with a wide smile. "Let's do it" I say making both girls scream in excitement, "Yay!".

"But Riley you have to keep Josh from coming in here" she nods and stands up before leaving Elli and I to start rehearsing.

"Have fun!" She yells before the door closes.


Josh's Pov
I glance at my clock and sigh, 7pm. I have been at the store for the entire day and now I finally get to see the two faces that can make me feel better.

I park my car next to the door, and climb out. I make my way inside the studio already knowing what room Maya and Elli are in.

"Hold it" I stop in my tracks and furrow my eyebrows before slowly turning around and seeing my niece holding a finger up, whilst she quickly talks to a parent.

I slowly walk towards her seeing her shoot me a quick smile before finishing with the lady.

"Yes, thank you, goodbye" Riley waves before turning to look at me.

"What do you want Riles, I just want to see my daughter and Maya" I say making her shake her head.

"Parents aren't allowed in the rooms" she says matter of factly making me roll my eyes.

"Well I'm propriety" I smirk making her chuckle.

"I'm sure you are but they're working really hard and you'd be a distraction" she says looking at me seriously.

"I wonder how my girlfriend would feel about that?" Her eyes widen and her lips part in shock making me chuckle.

"It's official?" I nod and see a smile pull at her lips.

"Congrats uncle" she says patting my shoulder.

"Thank you, now can I please go?" I question but she shakes her head.

"I was serious about them working hard and you being a distraction" she says making me groan.

"Riley" I whine making her chuckle.

"As much as you want to see your hot girlfriend I want to know about you and Maya" she admits sitting back on her desk chair before patting the one next to her.

I slowly pad behind the desk and sit on the chair next to her. "When are you planning on taking Maya out on a date?" She asks curiously not taking her eyes off of the papers she's putting in order.

I shrug and sigh "I don't know" I reply "She's always busy with the showcase and I'm also having some issues with the store" I add making my niece roll her eyes.

"How about tonight? She finishes in like 20 minutes why don't you ask her out and take her to a nice dinner?" She suggests.

"Are you forgetting that I have a daughter?" She chuckles and shakes her head.

"Of course not, Elli can stay with me" she shrugs "She can sleepover at mines and I'll bring her to the studio with me tomorrow morning so you and Maya can be alone" she adds wiggling her eyebrows making me laugh.

"I don't know Riles" I say running my fingers through my hair.

"Come on Josh it's the perfect opportunity" she insists.


"Nice" I high five Elli as we both try to even out our breathing. "What do you think so far?" I ask sitting on the bench at the end of the room.

"Challenging" she breathe out making me nod "But daddy is going to love it" she gushes making me smile.

We learned the two first minutes of our duet and for this choreography I didn't hold back. Elli was right it was really challenging, the movements kept on adding up and it was easy to lose your breath, but our duet is beautiful which is one of the reasons it's hard.

"I hope so" I smile "Speaking of your daddy, I pretty sure he's already outside" I say making her sit next to me.

We take our pointe shoes off and quickly slip on some clothes on top of our leotard.

I take Elli's hand and lead her to the reception. My eyes quickly meet Josh and a smile pulls at his lips. He quickly nods to Riley and stands up to meet Elli and I.

"Hey" he smiles looking at his daughter before looking back up at me.

"How was practise?" He asks as I lean against the wall of the hallway.

"Hard" Elli says making me nod, "It was indeed" I admit.

"Elli come over here for a sec" Riley calls making the little girl walk behind the desks.

"Um" Josh bites his lip catching my attention, "Would you be up to go on a date with me tonight?" He asks making a smile pull at my lips.

"Of course" I reply making him let out a breath of relief.

"I can pick you up around nine since you're probably going to want to take a shower and Elli's staying with Riley tonight so we have my place to ourselves" he adds making my heart skip a beat.

Alone in Josh's apartment. That can only lead to one thing. One thing that I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to do.

"Sounds like fun" I say leaning up to kiss his cheek. "See you at nine" I smile before walking to the front door.

"Bye Elli and Riles" I shout hearing them shout back.

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