Chapter 14: Remembering

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Josh's Pov
I had forgotten so many things about Maya, like the way her ocean blue eyes sparkle when she laughs, or the way she'd get so passionate about something she loved and believed in that I find myself admiring her instead of listening to her.

"Josh?" She asks waving her hand in front of me snapping me out of my thoughts and bringing me back to reality, "Yeah" I say hearing my daughter giggle "I asked you a question but you zoned out" she explains "I'm sorry" I apologize "No it's fine I just didn't realise I was that boring to talk to" she says making me vigoursly shake my head "You're not trust me, I really enjoying talking to you, what was your question?" I ask hearing her sigh before she asks her question once more, "Do you think you can pick up Elli a little earlier tomorrow during her private?"

I nod "Sure, but why?" I ask curiously whilst taking a sip of my water.

"I have a date" she smiles making me choke on my water.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" She asks her eyes widening as I nod and cough "Yeah" I cough a few more times before composing myself and forcing a smile "Water went down the wrong whole" I say making her chuckle "No kidding".

Maya has a date? I thought she wasn't seeing anyone.

The rest of the night carried on with the thought of Maya going out with someone else. I mean sure she's a grown woman and single, why wouldn't I think she would be dating someone soon? Although the thought of her going out with another man which I know nothing about has me quite aware, I am not jealous if that's what you think. No I care about Maya a lot and not knowing the guy she's going out with well, how am I suppose to know he'll treat her right? No, no I don't like the idea of Maya going out. Jeez why am I making a big deal about this?

"Daddy?" I look down at my daughter doing school on the dinning table the next morning as I pace around, "Yes?" I ask raising my eyebrows "Stop pacing you're driving me nuts" she says holding her temples making me chuckle.

I take a seat in front of her and she looks up at me "Do you know the guy Maya's going on a date with?" She asks curiously making me shake my head "No" I answer making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion "Why didn't you ask Maya on a date?" She questions making my eyes widen "You always look at her and you always smile at her, so why don't you ask her?" She adds playing with the pencil in her hands "I don't like Maya like that" I reply making her raise her eyebrows as she looks at me with a 'are you serious' face.

"Yeah you do" she argues "you never stay during my privates and now you stay for almost all of them, and when you're there all you do is look at Maya, your eyes sparkle when you look at her" she teases making me shake my head in amusement as I look at my seven year old daughter "They do not" I scoff as she giggles "They do" she assures me whilst nodding.

I roll my eyes and sigh "Okay if you say so" she smiles "Tomorrow you're going to ask her on a date" she says making me furrow my eyebrows "Sweety I don't like Maya" I say as a matter of factly.

"Yes you do" she whines, I shake my head and walk to my bedroom "I don't" I snap "Tell yourself that before you tell me" she says taking me aback "Finish your school work".

I make it to my room and sit on the edge of my bed. I don't like Maya. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. Do I?


Maya's Pov
I am really thrilled about my date tonight, I had known Kevin for a while now, he helped me design and build my studio and he's been working on a new room for the building and whilst we were taking on some designs well he just asked me to go to dinner with him so we could talk more. I obviously couldn't deny him, I mean if you saw him you'd understand. His bright blue eyes captivate me as they resemble the sky with no clouds. His long black hair that's always styled perfectly makes me wonder how many hours he puts into it. Oh and his body, jesus took time on him.

A few weeks ago I found him shirtless whilst he was fixing a few light bulbs and good god, his abs made me want to run my hands on his chest down to his prominent V-line that disappeared into his jeans.

"So are you excited for your date?" Riley teases whilst bumping her shoulder into mine. I roll my eyes and bite my lip to hide my smile, "Maybe" I reply making her chuckle "It's exciting" she admits "You haven't been out there for a while" she smiles "I mean don't you miss it?" She asks as I furrow my eyebrows "Miss what?" I ask "Having a guy in my life or sex?"

She shakes her head in amusement and I chuckle "Both" she replies. I shrug and sigh "I guess I sometimes do, I mean I do feel really lonely in my apartment at night" I admit making her face soften "But maybe one day I'll find the right guy that was meant for me. And for sex, well there's other ways I can pleasure myself" I wink making her eyes widen and her mouth drop "Maya!" I burst out laughing as she hits my arm playfully.

"Maya?" I stop laughing and turn around seeing Kevin lean against the desk "Yes?" I smile "I just finished painting the walls and now all that's left to do is to let it dry before I install the bars" he explains making me nod "Than-" I get cut off by a cute little blonde by the name of Ellianna.

"MAYA!" She shouts running over to my side and pulling me in for a tight hug, "Hi sweety" I say hugging her back, "Sorry gorgeous, I don't know why but she was really excited to see today" Josh says making me look up at him, "Really?" I ask looking back down at Elli, she nods and smile "Aw" I gush hugging her tighter.

"I think I'll get going, see you tonight right?" Kevin asks as I realize that he was there this whole time, I nod "Off course". He smiles and quickly leans down and kisses my cheek, I look at Josh and see him bite his lip as he looks at the ground. Is he jealous?

Sorry I couldn't update sooner, it's just that I'm back in school and well I'm exhausted. Although I am going to try my best to update at least once a week.

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