Chapter 24: "Hey babe"

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A/N - A quick thank you to +50 followers and +6k views on this book! It really means a lot and I can't thank you all enough for the votes you put in and the comments!! Love you all now enjoy! 💕

Maya's Pov
I should've stayed at Josh's. Once I got home I just felt so lonely. There was no giggling little girl or overly worried Josh who always wanted to make sure I was comfortable or hungry and etc.

Climbing into bed last night one thing kept me awake. The thought of actually dating Josh. For some reason I feel like I would be replacing Elli's mom and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

Sure I'd finally be with the man I had always wanted to be with but, he was a father. Someone way more experienced in life than I was. I'd have to start taking the role of a mother when I'll be around his daughter.

It sounds like an amazing opportunity in a way. I'd have Josh and Ellianna could always count on me, but it also sounded terrifying.

Although right now I'm glad I didn't stay at Josh's because of the abrupt knocking on my front door. I groan and climb out of bed, grabbing my rob and quickly putting it on before walking to my door.

"I'm coming!" I shout getting frustrated with the person who won't stop knocking. It finally stops and I quickly tip toe to see through the peephole before opening the door.

I furrow my eyebrows when I see Riley standing on the other side. I quickly open the door and see her frown.

"Finally what took you so long?" She asks crossing her arms over her chest.

"Um I was sleeping" I reply leaning against the door frame "you could've called me" I say making her glare at me.

"I did" she exclaims "28 times" she adds making my eyes widen "My phone didn't ring once" I say walking back inside towards my room.

"Well something's up with your phone because I did call you, I even called Josh" she admits making my head whip towards her "What?" I ask my eyes widening. I had yet to tell Riley I was hanging out with Josh quite a lot and that we kissed. Twice, and I plan on kissing him more. I liked the way his lips felt on mine.

"Calm down, I just asked him if he knew why you didn't answer your phone, and he didn't" she shrugs making me let out a breath of relief as I reach my bedroom.

I quickly walk to my nightsand and find my phone. Dead. I forgot to plug it in. "Whoops" I say plopping down onto my bed.

"Why are you here exactly?" I ask looking back up at Riley "It's about the showcase, there are quite a few movie producers and directors who wanted to speak with you" she explains making me smile. This wasn't the first time this happened. During all our showcases, a few of my dancers always get offered great opportunities, like starring in a movie or a music video.

"Well do you want to get breakfast and discuss this" I ask glancing up Riley. "Sure" she smiles.

~ 🎭 ~

Maya's Pov
"Okay" I breath out sitting back down on the chair. Riley and I were at this cute cafe, we found right next to the studio were they serve the best pancakes. We used to always come here for some breakfast.

"What did I miss?" I ask curiously when I see her look at me confused. It's annoying how something interesting always happens when you go to the bathroom.

"Josh called" Riley informs making me slowly nod "Okay" I say dragging the y.

"What doss he want?" I question taking a sip of the coffee I ordered.

"Well he called you on your phome and since you left it here I answered" she carefully starts.

"Okay" I say again dragging y, "and?" I press.

"Hey babe?" She question making my eyes widen. The first time he calls me that has to be when his niece answers the phone. Fantastic.

"Maya is there something you're not telling me?" She asks looking at me expectantly.

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair before answering her. "Kind off" I admit taking another sip of my drink.

"Josh and I have been hanging out quite a lot lately. It started with me staying with Elli because she got hurt and I slowly started spending more time with them" I explain.

"That still doesn't explain why he called you babe" she adds matter of factly.

"We admitted to each other we liked one another" I say seeing a small smilen creep on her lips.

"And?" She presses.

"We might've kissed twice" I admit, my heart racing. I see her eyes and smile widen.

"Maya" she exclaims making me bite my lip. "Hm" I hum "Are you mad?" I ask seeing her face soften. She shakes her head no and my heart can finally beat slower.

"I would never be mad with the fact that you're dating someone" I shake my head and she furrows her eyebrows.

"We're not dating, nothing is official yet. We just started hanging out" I explain but she shrugs.

"He'll ask you soon" she says making me chuckle, "Anyways you two are perfect for each other. You're both lonely so it'll be great that you keep each other company" she adds making me look at her confused.

"Lonely?" I question making her nod.

"Come on Maya, don't act like you love spending time alone in your empty apartment" I sigh "My uncle has been feeling exactly like you. Alone, and now that you two found each other again, the world might just smile again" I smile and nod "Thanks Riles".

"Anytime, just don't hurt each other, you've both been through a lot"

"I can't promise you anything, but I'll definitely try, I don't want to hurt Josh or Ellianna".

~ 🎭~

"Flex, turn and relax" I repeat as I watch Ellianna exercise her feet. She can now properly walk but we don't want to over work her so much, meaning she won't be dancing for the next 2 days or so.

"Good" I compliment "10 more times and you can be done for the day" she nods and I join Josh on the couch.

"Hey" he smiles turning to face me. "Hey babe?" I question raising my eyebrow at him. His cheek turns slightly pink and I can't help but laugh.

"You were suppose to hear that not Riley" he says making me nod "I got that" I reply making him smile.

"Do you have to work early tomorrow?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I only have a class and Elli's private in the afternoon" I explain.

"Do you want to come over tonight and spend the night?" He asks making my heart swell. I loved the fact that he always wanted to spend time with me.

"Yes" I smile making a smile of his own form on his face.

"I'll come over at 8" I add making him nod. I kiss his cheek and walk back to Ellianna.

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