It's a Rescue (Poe Dameron x Reader)

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Poe Dameron sat in his cell literally twiddling his thumbs. His ears were ringing from his attempted storm trooper interrogation and the gashes on his head had face had finally stopped bleeding. He had the worst headache of his life thanks to a certain sith lord and his successful interrogation. Poe gritted his teeth.

"If I had the force it would have been a different story," he mumbled to the floor. His eyes lit up with realization. "Wait..." He stretched out his hand and focused on the locking mechanism on the door. He concentrated every possible thought and feeling on it, imagining it sliding back....the door swinging open....the light flooding in from the hall....


"Maybe if I tilted my head slightly to the left...?"

He adjusted his head and concentrated.

Suddenly a green light appeared on the lock. He yelled out and jumped up in excitement.

"Yeah that's what-!" His excitement was short lived. A storm trooper threw a body in the cell and immediately locked and closed the door.

"Rude!" you yelled as you rose from the floor. "I'm going to leave a very strongly worded review on this place when I get out of here!"

"(y/n)?" Your head snapped to the voice.

"Poe!" you exclaimed. You threw your arms around him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to rescue you!" Poe's eyes darted around the cell.

"Would it be wishful thinking I asked if this was part of the plan?" You grimaced.

"Yeah...this place has lot more of an open floor plan than I expected. My incognito plan doesn't really work when I have to run 50 feet from point A to point B on a completely flat surface with zero coverage or distraction."

"How did you even know I was here?" he asked.

"Well after I was "forbidden""-you air quoted around the word- "from accompanying you to pick up the map I kinda stole my X-wing and followed you."

"(y/n)," he laughed, shaking his head. "That's gonna be another strike against you. And by my count you already have 83." You shrugged.

"I told you I was having one of those feelings again!"

"You and those feelings."

"And I was right wasn't I? They're always right," you said poking him in the chest. He grabbed your hand and smiled.

"Whatever. Hey what happened here?" he asked. Your knuckles were busted and bloody. The ring finger on your right hand veered to right and was locked straight. It was beginning to swell and turn purple.

"Got in a fist fight with a trooper...or three."

"Why would you punch a trooper? They have helmets?" You smiled widely.

"Not when I was through with them. But then like 10 more came and I can only do so much." Poe shook his head and grabbed your injured finger. Her jerked it to the left with a loud crunch. You cried out and jerked your hand away, trying to shake the pain away. You flexed it and found it was working properly again.

"A little warning next time?"

"You're welcome," he smiled. You rolled your eyes before bringing your hands up to his face. You brushed back his damp curls and wiped at the dried blood.

"Looks like you've been having fun," you commented.

"Bound to have more now that you're here," he smirked. You rolled your eyes but Poe still noticed your face flushing a light pink. He brought his lips down to yours, thankful that he'd gotten to see you again. A part of him was sure that he'd die here with you far away from him. There was still a good chance he wasn't going to make it out of here but at least he had you. But then probably would have been better if you weren't here.

You pulled back smiling. Your thoughts concerning the current situation obviously weren't as bleak as his.

"You know, I get that you're all bloody and bruised," you said as you straightened his jacket, "and I don't really wanna think about what you went through to get like this...but it's a really good look on you." He laughed openly before bringing you tight against his chest.

"I'm really glad you're here. Even if means this is our last stop on the road of resistance."

"Oh we're getting out," you reassured him.

"How?" You paused before sitting down on the metal bench.

"...I'm working it."


It was hours later when you heard noise at the door. A trooper's voice could just barely be heard through the door. There was a brief moment of silence before the door was opened. Two troopers marched inside and cuffed you and Poe. They led you out and the taller of the two began escorting you down the hall. Throughout the walk you and Poe gave each glances and looks, silently trying to figure out when it was best to strike and make your escape.

When you entered an empty hallway the trooper suddenly grabbed you both and shoved you into an alcove.

"Listen carefully. If you do exactly as I say I can get you out of here."

"What?" Poe stammered.

The trooper removed his helmet, revealing a young man with a somewhat panicked look in his eye.

"This is a rescue. I'm helping you escape," he said in a heated whisper. "Can one of you fly a TIE fighter?"

"You with the Resistance?" you asked confused.

"What?" the man replied, equally as confused. "No I'm breaking you out! Can you fly a TIE fighter?!"

"I can fly anything," you and Poe replied simultaneously. You both looked at each other, the spark of competition in both your eyes.

"Why are you helping us?" Poe asked, looking back to the man.

"Because it's the right thing to do," he answered valiantly.

"You need a pilot," you smirked.

"I need a pilot," he sighed.

"We're gonna do this," Poe said smiling.

"Yeah?" he asked nervously. You nodded in excitement.

"Oh yeah."  

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