Heaven's Above (Poe x Reader)

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You gazed up at the unfamiliar stars. You used to be comforted by the sky. Before you could always look up and know just where you were by the shining lights in the sky. It would comfort you, set your soul at ease. Now when you looked up, you felt lost. Sometimes even overwhelmed. You couldn't remember the last time you looked up and knew what you were looking at. Would you ever even make it back to your familiar corner of space?

"You ever miss it?" you asked out loud. Poe turned from his spot by the fire to look at you.

"Miss what?"

"Being able to look up and get your bearings. To recognize your surroundings."

"Just as much as everyone else, I suppose." You hummed in response, but otherwise stayed silent. "What's on your mind (l/n)?"

"Nothing. I'm just being stupid," you said, you voice wavering slightly. Poe moved from the fire and sat next to you, doing his best not to stir up the sand.

"You're many things, but stupid isn't one of them. What's on your mind? And don't lie this time." You hesitated for moment, but began speaking.

"My grandfather taught me how to read the stars," you said as you kept your eyes on the heavens. "As far back as I can remember, he would take me up on the roof and out into the clearings and tell me all about the stars of our system. He was a pilot, and so was his father, and his grandfather. My family is filled with them as far back as we can track. So, naturally, I was born with an affinity for the stars. My grandfather made it like they were my guardians, my protectors. But now when I look up..."

"You feel lost." You nodded.

"After days like today, I just....I just miss home. Don't you?" you asked, sitting up and looking at him. "Don't you miss being home?"

Poe looked over at the horizon, furrowing his brow in thought.

"I used to," he said. "Really bad. Especially in the beginning. I used to think about leaving all together."

"What changed?" you asked.

"You joined." You bit your lip, trying to hide your smile.

"You saying that just to make me feel better?" you asked. Poe turned to you and there was nothing but sincerity in his warm eyes.

"No I mean it," he said plainly. "You changed everything for me. I don't miss home anymore. Because when I'm with you? That's when I'm home." You smiled broadly and playfully shoved his shoulder.

"You're such a romantic."

"Yeah, well, you made me that way." You laughed before falling against him and wrapping your arms around his neck.

"For the record, you're starting to feel a lot like home too," you said softly. He smiled against your shoulder, grateful that if nothing else, at least at the end of the day he always had you.

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