"You're in love her." Hux/Kylo/Poe

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Hux watched as you sat beside your personal campfire. You were polishing your lightsaber in a feeble attempt to rid it of the blood and unidentified mush it had acquired from the day's battle. You had let your hair down and it flowed softly in the night breeze. Hux liked it better that way. Your skin seemed to glow in the yellow light of the fire and the starlight from above seemed to frame you perfectly.

You looked like you belonged here, out in the wilderness. He found himself wondering about your past life, the life before the First Order and Snoke. Had you come from a place like this? He'd never asked what your home planet was like. He'd have to find an excuse to ask you.

But watching you here, he'd believe it. You looked so at peace. If he could he'd take you away to somewhere like this. Somewhere you could be alone. He could see you both, living by a lake or a river. Sitting by a campfire like this...somewhere on the edge of the galaxy...surrounded by trees and mountains...it would be perfect. Thoughts of soft whispers and warm touches filled his mind. He gave the smallest of smiles.

"You're in love with her."

Hux snapped his head to the right and saw Kylo standing next to him wearing a smug look on his face.

"How long have you been standing there?" Hux asked, his heart nearly beating out of his chest.

"Oh, not even going to deny it?"

"I'm not going to play your silly games to amuse you. You speak nonsense, as always."
"Well then my apologies for assuming. Shame though. I've heard her think similar thoughts on occasion." Hux furrowed his brow and looked at him with suspicious eyes.

"You're lying."

"Completely." Kylo laughed at the flash of hurt on Hux's face. "On the rare instance she does speak of you it's the entire opposite. It's usually about your incompetence or inferiority."

"I don't believe thats entirely true either," Hux stated. Kylo smirked at him.

"Who's to say? Maybe it's all lies. Maybe they're both true. Or maybe she's never even given you a moment's thought." Hux stared back him, his usual stern look back on his face.

"I won't have any of your Sith mind games tonight, Ren." He walked off without another word, ignoring Kylo's gruff laugh behind him.

His tent was edge of camp, a short distance away from where you sat. You looked up as he approached, simply looking for the source of the approaching noise. When you saw it was only him you went back to your task, giving him no real acknowledgment.

He tried to not let him bother him and went to his tent. He sat on the simple cot and picked up the day's files and reports. He immersed himself in the words and analytics, driving away any thoughts of you that lingered.
He was halfway through the stack when your laughter drifted into his tent. The sound gave him a tingling sensation in chest. He looked back at the report in front of him but when he heard the sound again he couldn't resist. He went to the entrance of the tent and drew back the heavy canvas just enough so he could see outside.

He saw Kylo sitting next to you on the fallen log. You were smiling up at him as he spoke to you. His face burned when he saw your intertwined hands resting between you. You whispered something and Kylo drew his face closer to yours. You briefly looked in front of you where the majority of the camp sat before closing the gap between you and Kylo. Hux harshly threw the canvas closed just as your lips met Kylo's.

He started pacing back and forth, his militaristic mind already strategizing.

Ren wasn't going to win this time.


Kylo knelt on his hands and knees before the Supreme Leader. He was bloody and bruised and very likely possessed a few new fractured ribs. This was his punishment for failing the mission, or more accurately, for not following direct orders that had resulted in a failed mission. Hux had been the show runner of the mission. He stood at the side of the room. His hands were behind his back and he stared harshly at the floor. His right eye swollen and bruised and there were gashes along the left side of his face; all of which were his punishment for not doing a proper job of leading.

Snoke stood across the room, looking out the glass walls into the abyss beyond.

"After all the training I've given you...the hours of training and teaching...you still manage to disappoint me." Kylo tried to defend himself, but instead of managing words he coughed harshly, sending a splattering of blood across the floor. "I'm going to give you one last chance. I'm going to ask once more and I expect a definitive answer. Why didn't you bring down the rebel pilot as ordered?" Kylo stared at the floor, not wanting to give the answer.

"I....I don't know."

His vision went dark and he felt the room spinning around him. When he managed to open his eyes his feet were dangling off the floor and he was face to face with Snoke, his jaw being squeezed with crushing pressure.

"Wrong answer."

Kylo slammed his eyes shut and cried out as he felt the burning sensation of Snoke prying through his mind. He felt the scorching tendrils weaving in and out of his conscious. When he tried to the stop the intrusion the feeling intensified. Just when he thought he was going to black out from the pain he slammed back to the floor.

He rolled to the side, clutching his head in agony.

"You're in love with her?" Snoke asked confused. Hux looked up in surprise, the first time he had moved in over an hour. He watched as Snoke put his foot against Kylo's chest, moving him to his back and pinning him against the floor. "Well?"

"No." The word came out strained and too quick.


Kylo was thrown across the room into one of the enormous windows. A crack splintered across the glass from the impact and Kylo fell breathless to the floor.

"Have no fear, my apprentice. There's a solution to this problem. A permanent solution."

Kylo met Hux's eyes. They mirrored the concern in his own.

"By the end of the week, you will be plagued by this problem no longer."


"You all right, Dameron?"

Poe looked up briefly as Finn set down his dinner tray across from him. He groaned and slumped his head back down against the table, his messy curls flopping to the side.

"No," he said without looking up. "I feel miserable."

"Why, what's up?" Finn asked concerned.

"Everything." Poe sat up and ran his hands over his face. It looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open. His hair was fluffy and everywhere and there was dark stubble across face.

"Woah," Finn said in response to his friend's appearance. "You sick?"

Poe shrugged and let his hands fall against the table.

"I don't know, man. I've been like this for weeks it's just gotten worse and worse."

"Well what are your symptoms?"

"What aren't my symptoms? I've got headaches. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I've got this...weird tingling feeling in my stomach...and...and..."

Poe lost his train of thought and trailed off. He was looking somewhere behind Finn. When Finn turned around he saw you walking with Rey. You both held dinner trays and were walking outside, presumably to eat at your usual spot out outdoors. You were telling Rey some story, making her laugh and smile. Seeing it made a warm feeling grow in Finn's chest. She saw him looking at her out of the corner of her eye. She winked at him and he couldn't help but smile back. You noticed it and looked over your shoulder. You playfully stuck your tongue out at him and he returned the gesture.

"How are you, Commander?" You asked as you walked by the table. Your words seemed to snap Poe out of a daze.

"Fine, just fine," he answered hastily. He roughly cleared his throat. "And you, Lieutenant?"

"Never better."

When you and Rey walked away Finn turned back to face Poe. He was staring after you, chin resting in his hand, a dreamy look in his eye. Finn grinned widely in realization.

"Oh, huh hoh, Dameron buddy. You got it bad."

"Got what bad? The flu? That's what I've been thinking."

"No, not that dummy. You've got it bad. For (y/n)."

"What?" Poe said in disbelief. "Come on." Finn shook his head, smiling.

"Dude, you're so in love with her."

"I am not!" He said defensively.

"Poe and (y/n) sitting in an X-Wing. K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Finn sang.

"Shut up!" Poe whispered harshly. "Someone will hear you! I don't need that circulating around the base."

"Mm-mm-mm," Finn said as he drizzled sauce over his burrito. "So in your fantasy, are you making out on her X-Wing, or yours?"

"Shut up, Finn," Poe said annoyed.

"Follow up question, is she wearing her flight suit and helmet? Or...only her helmet?" He said with a wiggle of his eyebrow.


Finn laughed openly and took a bite of his food.

"It was just a question. You know you have to talk to her right?" Poe groaned and slumped over in defeat, his forehead making and audible thump as it hit the table.

"Hey, you gonna finish that?" When Poe didn't respond, Finn shrugged and took his side of potatoes. He ate happily while Poe suffered in silence.

"So, you gonna talk to her?" Finn asked with a mouthful of potato.

"I'd rather take on the First Order fleet single-handedly," he said, his words muffled against the table.

"Poe Dameron, the greatest pilot in the galaxy...afraid to talk to a girl."

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