Legends and Victors (Poe Dameron x Reader)-Part 1

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"Who's the new kid?"

Finn turned around and saw you on the other side of the base, speaking with an officer and examining your assigned X-Wing.

"I heard someone say her name is (y/n)."

"Know anything about her?" Poe asked. Finn shook his head.

"Haven't spoken to her yet."

"I have," a tall blond man said, stopping next to them. "Look's like trouble for you, Dameron."

"Oh yeah," Poe said, crossing his arms. "And why's that?"

"She's from the inner planets. A pod racer."

"Oh come on," Poe laughed. "Humans can't pod race."

"That one can," the man said. "She's pretty damn good too. A champion."

"She told you that?" Poe asked. The man shook his head.

"I looked her up."

"That's not creepy at all," Poe said. The man smiled and hit Poe's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I looked you up too when you joined. Your files weren't nearly as exciting."

"Very funny," Poe said. "So she any good at pod racing, or is she like you and hides behind everyone else's success?"

"Oh she's very good. They call her "The Champion of Capua".

"She races on Capua?" Finn said in shock. The man grinned and nodded. "That's the big leagues. They don't mess around there. If she was so successful, why'd she join up?" The man shrugged.

"Same as the rest of us I suppose. Then again, you can't stay a pod racing celebrity if the First Order takes over."

"Either way, it's one more person on our side," Finn said.

"True. But it's makes you think, if she's that good at pod racing..." he turned his attention to Poe, "imagine what she's like in the sky."

"Two totally different elements," Poe stated, shaking his head.

"Guess we'll just have to wait and see ay, Dameron?" He walked off into the base, leaving the two men alone.

"She sounds pretty talented," Finn commented.

"I don't know," Poe said. "Pod racing? Humans don't pod race, they can't."

"Well...there was one that could," Finn said.

"Yeah and look how he turned out."

"I think you just might be a little jealous." Poe scoffed.

"Jealous? Of what?"

"Actual competition," Finn said smiling. "Then again, you sorta thrive off competition. Way I see it, you're either gonna end up hating her guts, or falling madly in love with her."

"Maybe both," Poe joked.

"That would be much more entertaining to watch."


Word of you and your exploits quickly began circulating the base. Everywhere Poe turned there was new stories of your triumphs and skill. Others obviously weren't as skeptical as him and were soaking up the gossip without a second thought. He'd have to get to the bottom of this somehow...

Around midday Finn and Poe found themselves in the mess hall, eager for a chance to rest and eat something.

They scanned the room looking for a place to sit. A group in a corner saw them and waved them over but Poe happened to see you out of the corner of his eye. You were sitting alone in the center of the room, sipping on an iced drink and poring over a data pad.

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