Astrictorius (Poe Dameron x Reader)

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  (A/n) I wrote this on my phone so there may be some more errors than usual.

He pressed warm kisses against your neck, his lips soothing the new wounds from the day. You sighed and tangled your fingers into his unruly curls. He placed a final kiss on your forehead before pulling away. He traced his thumb over your cheekbone while giving you his wide smile you'd grown accustomed to.

You didnt return the smile. You stared back with a slight furrow in your brow.

"What's the matter sweetheart?"

"We cant keep this up forever. You know that right?"

He shook his head. "We can do anything. You just have to have the right mindset."

"Your optimism won't see us through this."

"Neither will your negativity."

"I'm being a realist. Just think about it. Let's say we both make it through this, that this war ends and we both see the other side of it. However it ends up it's over. When this ends so does what we have."

He shook his head again, his smile wavering but never fully leaving. "We're both bigger than this. Me and you? Nothing can stop us. Nothing."

"Poe, the things we've done. Depending on who comes out on top, they'll be seen as crimes. Crimes punishable by death, if we're lucky."

Before he could respond, Poe's communicator went off.

"Commander Dameron, come in commander."

He sighed before answering. "This is Commander Dameron, what can I do for ya?"

"Commander your locator seems to be malfunctioning. We can't get a read on you."

"Yeah it's been on the fritz for a few hours," he lied. "I'm heading back to base now. We can take a look at it then."

"Roger that, Commander." You watched the light on the communicator shut off, signaling you were both alone again.

"What I tell you?" You said.

"That's not the same." He got to his feet and pulled you up along side him. "I'm gonna be right, you'll see."

"For what its worth, I hope you are. I really do."

"I've got a good feeling about it." He leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, wanting him as close as possible. You never knew when you would see him again. If you would see him again.

He rested his forehead against yours. He was smiling again.

"You gonna miss me?"

"I always do. And what about you? Will you spare me a thought every now and then?" You asked.

"I'll dream about you every night," he grinned. You smiled slightly, kissing him briefly before stepping away.

"You better go, before they get suspicious."

"Eh, they can wait." He closed the distance between you and took your face in his hands, planting kisses on you everywhere he could. You laughed before pushing him away.

"Go. Before they send a search party."

"Fine fine." He picked up his jacket from the floor. After he threw it on he went to you again and kissed you a final time. When he spoke his words were soft, but his voice was steady and serious.

"I love you (y/n). No matter what happens, or what anybody says, I love you. I need you to know that." You nodded your head.

"I know, Poe. But I need you to know that no matter what I do, no matter how it looks, I love you too." He nodded in return and pulled you into a quick embrace before turning to his X-Wing. When he jumped inside you called out to him.

"Any chance you'll tell me where the base is? You know, in case I start missing you too much?" He laughed before replying.

"No way. Cant afford to have you drooping in unannounced during the night." He winked at you and started up the ship. You stood and watched him depart, your eyes never leaving him even when he was only a small speck in the night sky.

Your own communicator went off, Hux's stern voice startling you.

"(L/n), you've been gone long enough. Is there rebel presence in that blasted forest or not?"

"No general. I didn't pick up on any enemy activity. They must have all left right after the attack."

"It took that long for you to come up with nothing?"

"I wanted to be thorough. And need I remind who you're talking too? I'm not one of your troopers so I suggest you remove the attitude from your voice unless you want me to pay you a visit on the bridge." There was a brief moment of silence.

"Of course, (y/n). Once you return there will be a scout to meet you. Please give them a brief report of the surrounding terrain and landmarks. The information is crucial to our upcoming missions."

"I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"Much appreciated."

The comms cut off and you started your walk back to the Finalizer. You unsheathed your saber, twirling it around absentmindedly. Its red glow created odd shapes against the trees and you found your eyes getting lost in them. As you watched the shapes your thoughts went to Poe, as they usually did. You hoped he was right. That somehow this ended well for you. You couldn't see how it could though. If the Rebels won youd be killed. Or, more likely, they're victory would come to be because you were already dead. If the First Order won, which was far more likely, you would execute the entire Resistance. If Poe was caught you wouldn't be able to save him. And for him to stay alive he'd have to spend his life on the run, away from you.

But maybe he could be right. Somehow the right things might happen in the right order at the right time that ended with the both of you happy.

He was a man of luck after all. Maybe, just maybe, he could be lucky enough for the both of you.  

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