Different Paths (Hux x Reader)

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(a/n) its 6am and i didn' t spellcheck or proofread this but you get the idea

Your words were soft and breathless.

"Let's runaway together."

Hux pulled away from you in surprise. "What did you say?" You looked up at him, your eyes sad and heavy.

"Let's just runaway." He laughed in disbelief.

"Runaway? Why would we do that?"

"Why wouldn't we?" you asked. You traced over his bare collarbones, your brow furrowed in thought. "What's the use in staying here?"

"We've built everything here," he said matter-of-factly. "We have resources, wealth, connections. We have the greatest army in the galaxy, an army I'm in charge of that is at your disposal."

"But at what cost did all that come?" He shook his head in disbelief.

"I don't understand, where is all this coming from?" You dropped your head and wrapped the silk sheets tight around you. "(y/n) why are you saying these things?" he asked when you remained silent. You met his eyes and spoke softly.


He laughed heartily and brought his palm to your face. "And what would you, Sith master, have to fear?"

"Consequences. All the things the First Order has done, all the things that I've done. We can't just get away with things like that."

"They were all necessary," he assured you.

"Necessary?" you laughed. "Necessary like demolishing innocent villages? Kidnapping children for our army? Destroying planets just because they were in the way? Was that necessity?"

"It was," he reiterated. "Our cause is just. You don't have to worry," he said trying to calm you.

"That's easy for you to say. Your hand didn't light the bonfires or tear screaming children away from their dying mothers. It was mine."

"(y/n) I-" you pulled away from him and rose from the bed. You went to windows and laid your face against the glass. You looked out at the lights, tracing your fingers against the stars.

Hux followed you, looking out at the passing galaxies a few feet away from you.

"You don't know what its like," you said. "Having to live with these burdens, these burdens that have been collecting since I was twelve. You get to stay up here. You issue out orders but you're not the one that has to execute them. It's all just numbers and figures for you. It isn't real to you, not really."

"It's for the greater good (y/n). Our cause is just. We just have to see it through to the end."

"But I can't," you said on the verge of tears. "I can't. You don't know what it's like to be an apprentice under Snoke. It's pain and suffering day after day. Do you know what this is from?" You brought your arm from under the blanket for Hux to see. Hux had of course noticed the swelling and deep bruises but he hadn't asked about it. "This morning during training Snoke snapped it half after Kylo managed to land a hit on me. He said if I wasn't going to bother protecting it I didn't need it. Kylo had to beg for an hour to let me go to the medbay because Snoke wasn't going to let me. He wanted it to heal improperly so I wouldn't be able to use it in the future."

"(y/n) I'm sorry. I truly am. You're right, I don't know what it's like to train under Snoke, but I had to undergo brutal training myself to get to where I am. We've all had to sacrifice parts of ourselves and suffer. But it's been worth it. Look how far we've come. We've gotten further than anyone before us."

"But Hux, we don't have to suffer for a cause. We can leave and be free from all this."

"(Y/N), the First Order is the way. It's the future."

"Says who? It doesn't have to be." You closed the distance between and brought your hands to his face. "We are not our forefathers. Their choices don't have to determine ours." Hux shook his head.

"(y/n) I-" you pressed your lips against his, cutting off his words.

"I'm leaving Hux. I need you to come with me," you looked up to him with pleading eyes. "Please."

"You just need a moment to think things through," he said. "Just come to bed and tomorrow I'm sure your mind will be at ease." Your eyes hardened and you shook your head.

"So that's your choice?"

"There's no choice to be made," he said. "You're not leaving, and neither am I." You stepped away from him and when he tried to close the distance you kept him away with the palm of your hand.

"I am, though. I'm going to leave and try to fix at least some tiny part of the suffering I've caused."

"You'll die," he said. "You'll try and ease your conscience by going to the Resistance and they'll kill you on sight. Or the First Order will catch you first and kill you, if Snoke is feeling merciful."

"I don't care," you said, a few tears escaping your eyes. "I'll die knowing that I at least tried." You moved your hand through his hair one last time and smiled sadly. "You know, if this situation was reversed I would have gone with you without a second thought. But I guess there was really only one person here I could trust."

"(y/n) I-"

Everything went black for Hux. The last thing he remembered was seeing you with tears in your eyes.


He awoke alone the next morning. He had vague memories of the night before but just assumed it was just dreams. It wasn't until he made his way to the bridge that he realized it was real.

The entire ship was in chaos. Apparently during the night you and Kylo had disappeared without a trace. Everyone had been ordered to find out what they could and every accessible scanner was looking for you. Hux was immediately summoned for an audience with Snoke. When he got to the doors he stopped, not wanting to go in because he knew, as soon he did, nothing would be the same again. 

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