Quickshot: Aftermath (Kylo Ren x Reader)

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"You're angry with me."

Your eyes flicked up to his but you said nothing. You continued the task at hand and kept applying the iridescent serum on the burn that marred Kylo's face. The cells were already repairing themselves, the mark already lightening.

"That's it isn't it?" His eyes narrowed as he searched your usually smiling face and found your mouth was set in a hard line.

"Not at all," you sighed. You stood up and looked down at Kylo, taking him by the chin to examine the mark. Satisfied you had done what you could, you sealed the jar and placed it on a nearby shelf. "It's something far worse than that."

"What is it then?" You turned to face him before answering plainly.

"Disappointment." He immediately rose from his chair, hands clenched and brow furrowed into a glare. "Oh don't bother," you said unfazed. "The time for fighting has passed, which you failed at. Miserably. The proofs all..." you paused to flourish your hand at his face. "There."

You stood your ground as he stomped toward you, forcing all the furniture of his way as his anger filled eyes met yours.

"You weren't there you don't understand!"

"I wish I had been." you hissed. "Maybe then we wouldn't be on an escape ship running to the other side of the system!"

"She was strong with the Force!" he yelled.

"So are you," you seethed. "You've been training since you were a child and she discovered her powers mere hours ago yet here you stand, 'Master of the Knights of Ren', mutilated and defeated."

"She was stronger than us!"

"Not stronger than me," you spat. "You obviously, but not me. Maybe if you hadn't been distracted with your familial ties she could have been apprehended earlier."

"That was something I had to do. It was ordered by Supreme Leader."

"Don't use that as an excuse. Your father could have been dealt with at any time yet you let that take priority over the mission at hand. But at least we know you cannot be outmatched by 60 year old smugglers. Though it seems Wookies still pose a threat." That comment made him snap and he grabbed you by the throat and held you against the wall. You kicked him in his injured side and he immediately let go. He fell to his knees, holding his side and gasping. You yelled out in frustration. "The command in this order is useless! First, Phasma allows herself to be blindsided and lowers our shields leaving us completely vulnerable. Then you go running around in the forest and let the scavenger and the traitor get away without even getting a glimpse at the map. At this rate will be done within months, if we're lucky enough to get that much time!"

"Well since we failed so miserably what were you doing during all of this!" Kylo exclaimed. Within the next second you had a fistful of his matted hair and yanked his head back.

"My job!" you yelled. "If it hadn't been for me we wouldn't have even been able to leave that iceberg!" You opened your hand and shoved his head before grabbing the light saber from his belt. He grabbed your wrist to stop you.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking this so you don't destroy or kill anything while I'm gone." You snatched your arm away and clipped the saber on your belt next your own.

"Where are you going?" he demanded as you made your way to the door.

"To speak to Hux. Who would have thought he would be the only one I could count on." You stopped when you reached the door and spoke softly, your back still to the injured sith. "I'll be back later to check on you." The doors slid open and you exited, determination in your step. Kylo sighed and leaned back against an overturned table. He couldn't remember the last he'd seen you this angry. If you were this angry with him, he felt bad for Phasma if she managed to run into you.  

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