Reunion (Kylo Ren x Reader x Hux)

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The violet liquid tickled your tongue. It bubbled and fizzed, a deceiving texture that tricked your mouth into thinking it would be sweet, but it was anything but. You swallowed hard, forcing the drink down. You could feel it burn all the way down and it left your throat feeling raw. You hissed at the sensation.

"This tastes like paint thinner and regret," you said. "You could strip the steel off the hull with this."

Kylo laughed and reached over, taking the bottle from you, refilling his own glass. Hux sat looking appalled.

"That is the finest drink in the Circinus galaxy," Hux explained. "Only the most elite have access to it. The rest of the commonwealth doesn't even get to look at it."

"Lucky them," you said. You took another drink. It was as equally disgusting as the first. Hux scoffed.

"You're so uncultured." You feigned offense and shoved his shoulder. He smiled and laughed before raising his glass to his lips.

The alcohol had been a gift from some nobleman from an inner planet. He had given an entire case to Hux when the First Order had made an appearance on the planet in an attempt to impress and gain favor. It had been cast aside and forgotten until now.

You had been sent off on a mission. It was one of the rare occasions where Kylo wasn't to accompany you. You had been reluctant to leave without him but Snoke wouldn't hear it. You were forced to leave Kylo and Hux behind for nearly 5 weeks. During that time the three of you had been miserable. When word finally came that you would be returning the boys were ecstatic. As soon as you stepped out of the throne room, done with your debriefing with Snoke, they stole you away. You had taken the back hallways, sneaking down to Hux's quarters since his were the furthest away from prying eyes.

The three of you had sprawled out on the floor, passing the bottle between yourselves. Each of you happier than the next.

Kylo emptied his glass. He shook his head at the taste.

"Hux, she's right. This is disgusting," he said.

"It's always you two against me," Hux replied.

"Aww, don't be mad Armitage," you said with a smile.

"Don't call me that," he replied. "You only call me that when you're trying to sweet talk your way out of something."

"But you can't be mad at me," you said softly. You leaned forward, drawing closer to him as you spoke. "I just got back." You stopped when you nose was just barely touching his.

"You're terrible," he said. He was trying to remain unaffected by you but his words were soft and breathy. You leaned the slightest bit closer.

"I'm sorry." Your words were barely above a whisper. Hux was able to control himself for a few seconds longer before he gave up. He closed the gap and you smiled against his lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his kisses grew more desperate. He started easing you back but you were stopped and felt an arm wrap around your waist.

You opened your eyes and saw Hux glaring at Kylo. His other hand was against Hux's chest, pushing him away from you.

"Problem, Ren?"

"Several," he replied.

"Oh shush," you said as you leaned back against Kylo's chest. "I just got back. Let's leave the arguing for tomorrow."

"Tell that to him," Hux said as he refilled his glass. "Your failed Jedi is the one with the problem." You felt Kylo tense at the insult.

"Hux," you warned.

"Apologies," he said when he saw your stern look. "I shall do my best to remain civil. For your sake."

"Gratitude," you responded. You turned to face Kylo, adjusting yourself so your legs were on either side of his. "And what about you?"

"I'm sorry," he said. "It won't happen again."

"Promise?" He nodded. "Good," you smiled. He smiled back softly before leaning up to kiss you. You sighed against his lips, your hands clutching the fabric at his chest. You smiled when he put his hand at the back of head, trying to keep you as close as possible. You were getting breathless when Hux huffed and spoke out.

"I see who the favorite is." You pulled back, rolling your eyes playfully before looking at him.

"I have no favorites." You turned and laid against Kylo's chest, his arms instinctively wrapping around your waist.

"Liar," Hux said. You laughed before extending your arm out to him.

"Come here," you said. "Despite what you believe, I missed you. Desperately. Both of you."

He sighed, pretending not to care, but he couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face. He crawled over to you, resting his head in your lap.

"Tell us," Kylo said. "How was your mission?"

"Yes, we're eager to know of your exploits," Hux said.

"They were nothing of note," you said, running your through Hux's hair. "Uneventful. And uninteresting."

"Then tell us of something else," Hux said. "Anything you desire."

"Whatever you want," Kylo agreed. "We've missed the sound of your voice."

"For once, we have something in common," Hux said. You smiled widely. You felt a warm feeling in your chest, knowing you were missed as much as you missed them.

"I'll think of something."

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