Proditor (Poe Dameron x Reader)

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Poe backed away from you in disbelief. He ran his hands over his face, an attempt to wake him from this dream he was obviously having.

"I can't believe what you're saying right now. My brain literally can't process what your trying to tell me."

"Poe, just listen-"

"No (y/n) you listen!" he exclaimed. "You can't just sneak in here in the middle of the night and tell me that your defecting. How am I supposed to deal with that!"

"Poe you're not listening! You don't understand." He threw himself into a chair. He hung his head and sighed before looking at you.

"Then make me understand." You went to him, kneeling in front of him and taking his hands.

"You have to trust me. This is the way. I know it is."

"How? How could joining the First Order possibly be the way?"

"I can sense it," you told him. "Ever since I joined something felt wrong. Something was telling me not to, but I stayed anyway because it was supposed to be the right thing to do. But I'm not meant to be here. It's clear to me now."

"It's the Force telling you this?" You nodded.

"Poe think about it. All the First Order order. A universe under one rule. There wouldn't be any more power struggles or civil wars. Everyone would be on the same level with the same rules. What harm could come from that?"

"What harm could come from that?" Poe pulled his hands away from you and stood up, walking away from you. "Look at the harm they've already done (y/n)! All they've been doing this entire time is murdering innocent people! They've been destroying stars, planets, families. Anything that's stood in their way has been destroyed."

"Peace doesn't come free."

"Peace?" he laughed. "They don't want peace they want power!"

"But that power brings control!" you exclaimed. "Isn't that what the universe needs? Control will keep everyone in line. It will restore order."

"What's happened to you?" he asked in disbelief. "When did you start thinking like this?"

"I told you," you said, walking over to him. "I've always been like this but I've been fighting it. For your sake. But I can't anymore Poe. I'm exhausted from it. Do you know how tiring it is? Having to fight against yourself every single day? To have to constantly redirect every thought and action? I'm sick of it. I can't keep it up anymore."

"So you're going to leave? Just like that. You're just going to walk out and go join them."

"I have to," you brought your hands to his face. It wasn't the same has before. The feel of your palms against his face made Poe uneasy, nauseated even. Your eyes were watering but Poe found himself not caring. "Come with me Poe. Please."

He pushed your hands away. "This whole time you've just been lying to me. And I fell for it." He laughed bitterly. "I can't believe I let myself believe you loved me."

"But I do! I do. That's why I want you to come with me." He shook his head.

"I'm not going anywhere. And neither are you. You know everything about us and I'm not going to let you get away. Especially not with that," he said gesturing to the lightsaber clipped at your belt.

"Poe don't. Please." Tears openly rolled down your face but he didn't care. He lunged at your belt but you dodged out of the way.

He tried again, this time making contact with the saber. You twisted away, elbowing him in the process. You scrambled with each other, neither one able to get the upper hand. For every hit you landed, you received one from Poe. You were a tangle of fists and limbs. When you were crawling away Poe pounced on your back. You twisted around and when your hand met his chest he suddenly felt himself slam against the wall.

You stood up breathing hard, your fingers still tingling from the Force push. You opened your palm and your lightsaber responded, settling into your hand. You looked down at Poe, his dark eyes burning into yours. Eyes that were full of fury and disgust, but above all...hate.

"Don't look at me like that." Your voice wavered and your throat tightened. "Please."

"Get out of my sight."

"But Poe-"

"Leave!"' You swallowed hard and turned to leave. When you were at the door he spoke out to you. "The next time I see you, you're dead."

You didn't bother to turn around. You couldn't bear to see him looking at you like that again. You wanted to remember the Poe that loved you. The Poe that couldn't bear to be apart from you, who's smile felt like the sun...not the Poe that wanted to tear you apart.

It hadn't been thirty seconds before the alarms of the base rang out.

You bolted for the nearest exit, your haste going unnoticed amongst all the other Resistance fighters running in the confusion.

Eventually you made it out to the forest that surrounded the base. Once you were a safe distance away you fell to the ground atop a tree root, sobs racking your bruised body. You weren't sure how long it was before you were able to stop, but it had been long enough that your eyes had grown sore from your crying.

You stood up, rubbing your red irritated eyes, and continued to the destination point you'd been given.

After a good 15 mins of walking you saw two tall shadows in the distance standing in front of a transport ship.

"We were beginning to think you'd changed your mind." You looked to Kylo and shook your head.

"No, there was just...complications."

"We heard the complications," Hux said. "The sounds of those archaic sirens reached all the way out here. But we're pleased to see that you made it." He gave you a small smile, the gesture giving you comfort. He extended his hand to you. You felt a warmth in your chest when you took it. The warmth grew when you felt Kylo's hand at the small of your back as the two men led you into the ship.

"You're going to do well here," Hux said. "I can feel it." You nodded silently and sat down as he went to the front of the ship. Kylo sat next to you, pushing your hair back from your shoulder.

"Don't worry. You'll forget about him, in time." You nodded before turning to face him.

"And in the meantime, I have you and Hux, right?" He ran his thumb across your scratched cheek, smiling softly.

"Of course you do."

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