Usurper (Hux x reader)

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You watched as Kylo left the throne room, leaving you behind with Hux gasping on the floor.

"It can't be like this," you said when he was gone from the room. "He cannot be our leader. The order will crumble under his rule."

"And what should we do about it?" Hux asked as he stood up.

"Don't play naïve," you told him. "You know what must be done. And don't act like you haven't been thinking about it everyday for the past few years."

"It doesn't matter what I've been thinking," Hux retorted. "He just took the proverbial crown by force. We can't do anything about it."

"No, you can't do anything about it," you countered. "You both forget...I've always been next in line under Kylo. He was put above me solely because of his bloodline. I've always been an equal to him, if not a superior. But Snoke would never listen to reason. A mistake he has paid dearly for."

"Then, you plan to steal his leadership from him?"

"The same way he stole it from Snoke," you replied.


"Tomorrow. I'll give him time to recover. I won't have anyone saying I beat him in a weakened state."

"That would make a better story," Hux agreed.

"A story I will expect you to spread with your usual gusto and elegance. I need them to stand by me, to accept the new order of things. A title means nothing if no one respects it."

"And I am to remain a general in this, "new order"?" Hux said with a hint of spite. You smiled at him.

"Oh, have no fear dear Armitage," you said, dragging a finger along his jaw. "Do your job well and you'll be sitting at the top right next to me."

"Don't make promises you don't intend to keep (l/n)." His tone was cautious, but he had the slightest hint of a smile. You leaned up, kissing him lightly.

"I'd never dream of it."


The next morning you found Kylo in the training room. The enormous space always made you feel uneasy. You had experienced indescribable pain and suffering in this room, and though it had been long ago, the memories refused to leave your mind.

Kylo was at the other end of the space, looking thoughtfully out the window. His back was to you but he knew you were in the room, the same way you had known where to find to him.

"So, this is how it ends?" His voiced echoed throughout the room.

"It was always going to end like this," you said. "We both know that."

"It didn't have to end like this," he said turning to you. You shook your head.

"No. It didn't. But as soon as Snoke put you above me, he sealed your fate. Your place was wrongfully given. It's mine. It's always been mine. You've never been stronger than me."

"Maybe not when we were children," he replied. "But I'm not a child anymore." You scoffed.

"You're just an overgrown toddler, given too much power and position than you know what to do with."

"You think you could do better than me?" he asked..

"I know I can. It's a shame you won't be able to see it." He laughed.

"Your overconfidence is your weakness."

"Spoken like a true Skywalker," you smiled. He glared back at you, but you continued. "That's your weakness. You always blamed the blood of your father, but no. It's the Skywalker in you that holds you back. Those cursed genes. You've always aspired to be Vader but you were ever the Anakin. Conflicted, emotional, abandoned....weak."

"I'll show you how weak I am," he threatened. He stomped forward, bringing out his notorious weapon.

"I trust you know how Anakin's life ended, and how Vader was created. Reborn from the ashes all those years ago on Mustafar." You laughed lightly before continuing. "The grandfather you idolized wasn't even a match for a simple Jedi. I've always had a bit of respect for Obi-Wan, using a move banned by his brothers the Jedi Order. But looking at his past, there was always a hint of Sith lying just below the surface. Maybe you should have looked up to him instead. You do have his name after all."

"I'm nothing like him," Kylo said. "You'll see." He took another step toward as you pulled out your weapon. The double-bladed saber hummed strongly, while Kylo's fizzled and cracked erratically.

"Have you ever seen the mou kei performed in person?" You asked, advancing toward your opponent. "You've always wanted to be like Vader. The least I can do is give you the same end, out of respect."

Kylo yelled out in anger, swinging strongly down at you. You brought your saber up to his, locking the two in place. He tried to force you down, but you were able to match his strength easily. You smiled at the shock on his face. Shock that held a hint of fear as he realized this fight wasn't going to be as easy as he once thought.


You had told Hux to go about business as usual. He tried his best but could barely focus on anything. His heart was hammering in his chest as he thought about you and what you were doing at this very moment while he was on the bridge, merely reading reports.

When his scheduled morning break came up he all but ran to the training room. This side of the ship was empty, only the most elite of the First Order having clearance. When he reached the doors, he could just barely make out the sounds of sabers clashing. The thick walls and doors allowed him to hear nothing else.

He wasn't standing outside the room for 10 minutes before he heard silence within. He held his breath, praying to whoever would listen that you would be the one to walk out.

Just when he thought the anticipation would kill him, the doors slid open.

You stood before him, bloody and bruised, but alive.

He sighed in relief. You looked up at him, exhausted and overwhelmed, but you smiled. He rushed to you laughing in relief. He picked you up and spun you around once before kissing you hard on the mouth.

"You've done it?!" He asked excitedly. You nodded.

"As I said I would."

"And what of Ren?" You nodded behind him. He turned his head and was able to make out what looked like several dismembered limbs. His eyes went wide and he quickly looked away.

"I see."

"I gave him his wish," you said. "In the end, he was just like his grandfather." You stepped away from Hux and pulled out a lightsaber. You ran your fingers over the crossguard before igniting it. The red blade crackled and spurted as you moved your wrist in small circles. "And now I have my crown."

You turned and began walking away, carrying the weapon at your side. Hux watched, swallowing hard as a sense of panic tightened his throat. He glanced over his shoulder at the gory scene behind him then back to you, covered in blood and gashes but smiling proudly while you twirled Kylo's lightsaber about you. The whole scene sent a wave of fear through him, and for the first time since ever...he was frightened of you.

Maybe there was a reason Snoke choose Kylo over you. A reason that had nothing to do with bloodlines or ancestors.

"Come along, Armitage," you called out sweetly, jarring him from his thoughts. "You have a speech to make."

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