Ravager (Kylo Ren x Reader)

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The chrome cylinder was cool between your hands. After three days it's creation was complete and the lightsaber already felt like a piece of you. It's unmarred surface was a heavy contrast to your bruised and aching fingers. It had been a daunting and complicated task but under Kylo's supervision you had been able to complete it.

You pressed the switch and the weapon came to life. It hummed threateningly. The occasional sputter mirrored that of Kylo's own saber, a consequence of the fractured kyber crystal that sat at its core. You flinched slightly as the red beam surged, its energy reaching out in small wisps that seemed to grasp at you.

You pressed at the hilt once more and the light retreated back in itself. You stared as it rested in your dominant palm. It seemed to sit innocently. Technically it was. After all, it was nothing more than metal and crystal. It was neither inherently good nor bad. It simply was. It was your actions that would decide it's fate. And your actions had already been decided for you.

"I don't think I'll be able to handle it." Your words were soft, half spoken, but Kylo heard them still.

"Why would you say that? Of course you will. You've been a dedicated student."

"It's not that," you said. "How will I be able to handle everything else? This saber is the key that will allow me to fully embrace my role in all this. What if I can't handle the responsibilities? What if it turns out I'm not capable of being the Sith I've been training to be?"

"Don't let doubt cloud your mind now, you've come too far for that," Kylo reassured you. "You're more capable than you think you are." More capable than me, he thought, though he'd never say it out loud.

You've done everything you need to do. Keep your dedication and embrace all that is coming to you."




Kylo watched from afar as you tore through the enemy ranks. You were a blur of red light and black fabric. Through the chaos of shots and screams he heard your melodic laughter drifting through the air. You cut down someone in front of you and stood still, letting your fatigued muscles rest for just a moment. The warm thrill of adrenaline pumped through your veins as the rush of war continued around you. You welcomed the sensation, obsessed with the way it heightened your senses and made your nerves stand on end. You flexed your empty hand and white hot electricity danced across your palm. You felt Kylo's gaze on your back and you turned to see him at his spot on the hillside. You smiled proudly at him before advancing onward.

Again, Kylo watched at you demolished the enemy. His eyes fell on your weapon and he couldn't help remember the day you had finished building it. It seemed a lifetime ago. The girl that sat with tangled hair and a worried brow was unrecognizable in the war god that ravaged the field below. He remembered how troubled you were, how you'd spoken in hushed words and looked at him with soft eyes. Your eyes weren't soft anymore. They weren't even the same color. Now they blazed with red and orange hues. When he looked at you a furnace stared back. He had told you to embrace what was coming to you. But you'd done more than that.

You had devoured it.

As he watched you below he wondered when you would stop, when you would be satisfied, and if he would still be standing to see it. 

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