Unrequited (Hux x Reader x Kylo)

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The two of you were inseparable.

Ever since Hux had known you he rarely saw one of you without the other, you and Ren. Outwardly you were both professionals. The disciplined disciples. But Hux knew what you really were. He saw the stolen the glances, the way your hands brushed when you walked together, the shift in tone when you addressed each other. Everyone else was too stupid, oblivious, or terrified to notice. But not Hux. He knew. And his insides ached because of it.

He wanted nothing more than to be the reason you snuck out of your quarters at night. To be on the receiving end of your rare smiles. But the most he ever got from you was the occasional General. His greatest achievement was the single time he made you laugh. He had made some off handed comment about an incompetent captain and was rewarded with your soft laugh.

He hadn't gotten a chance to hear it since.

The bridge doors opened behind him and he turned to see you approaching. You stopped beside him, glancing at the few workers that were left behind the monitors.

"Anything to report General?"

"Nothing of significance. We are still on course and making expected progress. We should be planetside within the week." You nodded.

"Excellent. Inform me of any changes."

"Of course." You turned and exited the bridge, leaving Hux with a flushed face and erratic heartbeat.

It was finally time for Hux to turn in for the night. He walked steadily to his quarters, his footsteps echoing off the waxed floors. Everyone he passed avoided his gaze but he rarely noticed anymore. His thoughts were always elsewhere, anyways. He hadn't time to worry about the thoughts of inferior passersby.

He turned the final corner on his destination and froze in his tracks. Down the hall he saw you clinging to Kylo, your fists were clutching at the fabric of his tunic. One of his gloved hands held your hair as he laid heated kisses against your lips. He led you forward into quarters and you both disappeared from sight.

Hux stood unmoving. He clenched his fists as he felt the heat rise throughout his body. The ache of jealously overwhelming. His head pounded as he stomped down the hall to his own room. He walked quickly past Kylo's room, afraid of what he might hear. Once he was in the privacy of his own room he threw himself in his armchair. He ran his hands down his face trying to regain his emotions.

Something has to be done¸ he thought to himself after some time of contemplation.

Something has to be done.


It all happened in a blur. One moment it was just you and Kylo, intertwined and breathless. The next the room was filled with stormtroopers.

You and Kylo were on your feet before the doors had even opened. First three came in, blasters drawn, but you dispensed of them easily enough. A handful more followed and you were halfway through dealing with them when an electrified weapon hit you in the rib. Your whole body tensed and you fell to your knees gasping.

You heard Kylo call your name but everything in front of you was spinning. You felt the pain in your side again and your vison went black. Your sight came back in what felt like an instant but you now found yourself restrained and being escorted through the back halls of the ship. Someone had covered you with the black fabric of Kylo's cape and you looked up to find glistening red armor.

Knights of Ren.

One held each of your arms as they dragged you to your destination, your knees skidding across the floor. You looked around at the halls and quickly realized where you were being taken. Your heart rate quickened and you could hear your blood rushing in your ears. Part of you didn't want to reach your destination. The other part wanted you to be there already and just to get it over with. You looked to your right and saw Kylo in the same position as you. He looked at you with eyes so sorrowful you had to turn away...

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