Rambler (Kylo Ren x Reader)

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Your voice echoed around the empty cell as you sang an old war song Poe had taught you. Originally you were using it to keep track of time but you'd been through it so many times you already lost count. You wiped away some dried blood from your cheek and winced when you brushed against your black eye. The stormtroopers had managed to do a number on you and you were sure Poe was going to have some choice words to tell you when you got back.

If you got back.

Down the hall you heard approaching footsteps. You stood with a sigh, ready to go another round with the next stormtrooper sent to interrogate you.

Instead a tall figure in black stood before you.

You froze. You never expected to actually come face to face with the man that lead everything you were fighting against. You couldn't imagine being important enough to gain his audience. After a moment you regained your composure and approached the man who had been standing stoically in front of you.

"I heard you were the strong and silent type," you said with your signature smirk back on your face. "It's a bit overplayed if you ask me." He remained silent. You approached the bars and slid your arms through, resting them on the metal. "These are nice. Hardly see real prison bars in this day and age. Very classic."

"Had much experience with prison cells have you?" he asked.

"Girl's gotta make a living, right? Since your pals here in the First Order have taken over, it's suddenly gotten much harder."

"Perhaps you should reconsider your line of work."

"As soon as you reconsider your school boy dreams of domination," you smiled. He ignored your comment and continued.

"You have information. Information we need."

"Yeah I've kinda of gotten that impression from the last four guys you sent in here. You might want to consider doing some reworking with them. Footworks kinda slow."

"You hold a considerably high rank in the Resistance and therefo-"

"Considerably high rank?" you asked, cutting him off. "I'm barely a captain? And I only got that position three days ago when the previous guy holding the position died, thanks to some lucky shot one of your men got."

"Either way-" he continued. "You-"

"Is captain really a high rank here?" you said cutting him off again. "Because it's not that big a deal back home."

"There is a resistance base somewhere in this system," he began again. "You will give me-"

"How much do your captains make here?" you interjected. You leaned your face against the bars and looked off thoughtfully. "Because if I'm being honest, my current salary is not much to brag about. What benefit packages do you guys-?"

"Enough!" he yelled out. He pressed the sides of his mask, releasing the clasps and threw it aside. He stepped toward the bars and looked down at you, a frustrated scowl on his face.

"Woah." You stared wide-eyed up at him. "You're a lot prettier than I'd thought you be. I thought that's why you wore the mask. I guess it's more of an intimidation thing right? But seriously, you should consider using your look as a recruiting too. I mean, you catch more dactillions with honey than vinegar amirite?"

He grabbed the front of your jacket and pulled you against the bars.

"Enough," he seethed. His eyes bore into yours and you could see dark anger behind them. "You know what I want. And you're going to tell me. Right now." You smiled up at him.

"I don't think so."

You suddenly felt a constricting force around your neck. The air left your lungs as it grew tighter and tighter. You wheezed and coughed as your hungry lungs struggled to find air. Your vision grew black and just when the last of the light was about to fade away, the feeling was released.

You fell to your hands and knees gasping and huffing. You looked up and saw Kylo staring back at you.

"That was exhilarating," you choked out. "Not at all like how others have described it."

The next second you smacked face first against the cell bars. Your hand flew to your nose as it began gushing blood.

"That was not so exhilarating," you said, your voice nasally. "Could I bother you for a tissue? Or a handkerchief? You guys are fancy here I feel like you probably have at least three handkerchiefs in your pocket right now."

Kylo grabbed the front of your jacket through the bars again and raised you to your feet.

"I'm going to be back in 20 minutes. Be ready to talk or else you'll suffer true consequences."

He dropped you to the floor and strode away down the hall.

"I'll miss you!" you called after him. He shook his head and continued on his way.

After he was gone you sat back on the floor clutching your nose. Your head was pounding and now on top of that you had a broken nose. You started to think that just maybe this time your luck had run out when you saw Kylo's discarded helmet on the floor.

You scrambled to the bars and reached out as far as you could. You were mere inches away but you couldn't manage to grasp it. You stuck your leg through the gap and, with some maneuvering, you managed to get your foot around it. You brought it to the bars and started looking it over.

You pried apart several compartments and removed all the bits and pieces you could until you removed a sharp silver pin. You moved over to the locking mechanism and jammed the small piece of metal inside. You jostled it around and after 10 mins of struggling you heard several clicks and the lock released.

You pushed the door aside and strolled out, whistling down the hall.

"Considerably high rank," you laughed. "Wait till I tell Poe about that one." 

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