Fortitude (Hux x Reader)

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You'd been gone for hours.

Hux knew you and Kylo had been called in front of Snoke, but he didn't know why. In truth, it wasn't out of the ordinary. You were often summoned in order to relay orders or to be instructed on various matters. But something was different this time. He could feel it. But he didn't know what.

It was nearing the end of his shift when he happened to pass by Kylo in one of the numerous hallways. He stopped him immediately.

"Is your business finished with the Supreme leader?" Kylo nodded solemnly.

"Yes. It is."

"And (y/n)?" Kylo looked at him briefly before he set his eyes on the floor. He nodded slowly.

"Yes, he's finished with her as well," he said almost in a whisper." Hux narrowed his eyes at him.

"What is it, Ren? What was this meeting about?"

"It's not my place to say. I'm sure (y/n) will inform you if she feels it necessary." He walked off without another word.

Hux furrowed his brow in confusion, wondering what could have transpired to make the normally overzealous Kylo Ren so sedate. Whatever it was it couldn't be good. Without thinking he found himself making his way to Snoke's throne room as fast as he could without drawing attention.

He soon reached the solid doors and entered the room.

Inside he saw you on the floor, hunched over with your legs tucked under you. Your back was to him and all he could see was your once braided hair frayed and half undone.

"(y/n)?" You looked over your shoulder at him briefly before turning away.

"Leave me alone." Your voice was low and hoarse. He advanced a few steps before he felt his legs lock in place. "I don't want you seeing me like this. Leave."

"We both know I'm not going to do that."

"Why must you always be so stubborn?" you said in frustration.

"Same reason as you I suppose. We don't know any other way." You took a moment before answering.

"You're staying at your own risk."

"There's always a risk when you're in the room. I've grown used to it," he replied. He felt the pressure release from his legs and went to join you.

Your eyes were locked on the floor. You wore the look of concentration Hux had grown accustomed to seeing on you. But there was something in your eyes that concerned him.

He reached out a gloved hand and lifted your chin towards him. He found your face heavily bruised with a deep gash on your forehead. He looked down at the rest of you and found your clothes torn and tattered from a myriad of other injuries. He couldn't help the look of concern that appeared on his face.


"Don't," you said swatting his hand away. "I don't need your sympathy."

"It's not sympathy, it's concern. I care about your well-being. How many times do I have to tell you?" he added softly. You hesitated before shifting your gaze to his.

"It's just not something I'm used to."

"What happened?" he asked. You shook your head.

"Not here." Hux raised himself to his feet and extended his hand to you.

"Then let's get out of here. The cold floor isn't doing you any favors." You looked at his hand and up to him.

"I need you help me stand. I think my ankles are broken," you said in a near whisper. Hux felt an angry warmth spread throughout him just thinking that someone would do such a thing to you but he contained himself. He pulled you up by the waist and you leaned against him for support. He went to carry you, but you stopped him immediately.

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