Prompt Request Hux x Reader

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Hux watched as you paced across the room. Your brow was furrowed and your eyes were set with determination. He could practically see the thoughts flying through your head. You were quiet, fuming and seething within, but so silent on the outside.

"Perhaps you should sleep on it," he suggested. He adjusted himself taller in his armchair. "Think it over in the morning."

"That will just delay things," you said. "Besides I haven't been sleeping. Not much anyway."

"Ah, I see." He said nothing of the fact that he knew and had found you wide awake in the late hours of the night, pacing and pacing, or staring out the window. He didn't mention that that your eyes had grown dark and deep purple rings lined your eyes, or that your hands were now prone to shaking.

You stopped your pacing and faced him. His heart skipped a beat, fearing you had heard what he had been thinking. You were wringing your hands when you spoke to him.

"You're a general, Armitage. You have a strategic mind and heighted mental capacities. Tell me, what would you recommend?"

He was taken aback for a moment. You had never asked for his opinion before. Not explicitly, anyway. He could always sense when you needed a suggestion here and there and would always help. But even then you had known what you wanted to do you just needed a push. You always had a plan, a process. This was the first time he had seen you feel weak.

"Well...I would tell you to be yourself but that almost got us killed last time."

You laughed openly, the first time he heard that sound in what felt like weeks. "Almost. But we came away with a victory. A means to an end. Even if I was punished for it shortly after."

"Yes, but I would prefer you not to put your life on the line. Again."

"Aww, General. Do you have a soft spot for me after all?" you teased.

"Don't make me take it back." You laughed again and stood next to him, looking out into the great void beyond the glass. You sighed heavily and shook your head.

"For the first time in my life, I don't know what to do. I-...I'm lost."

He stood from his chair, placing his hands on your shoulders, and spoke softly.

"You're not lost. You know exactly what you want to do....what you need to do." He turned you around and held your face firmly, staring into your conflicted eyes. (Y/N) know what to do....don't you?"

Your eyelids fluttered for a moment and it was like the fire had been reignited behind them. Your brow set into a hard line and you nodded. He smiled slyly, lightly tracing your cheekbone with his thumb.

"What are you going to do, (Y/N)?" he whispered.

"I'm going to kill Snoke."

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