Tension (Poe Dameron x Reader)

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"Are you going to talk to me?"

Poe was jarred from his thoughts with a panic. Was he staring? Did you just catch him staring?

"Sorry I was just...what did you say?" He stammered.

You looked up from the blaster you were cleaning, laughing slightly.

"Are you ever gonna talk to me? Or are you just gonna keep standing there. I mean I don't mind the view, but if we exchanged a few words it might ease this tension between us."

He shook his head and regained his train of thought before sitting next you.

"Is there tension between us?" He asked. You smiled widely as you continued working.

"I'd say so."

"What kind?" He asked.

"The good kind," you said, causing a boyish grin spread across his face.

"That means it's either romantic or sexual."

"And which would you prefer?" You asked, feigning innocence.

"Take a guess." You laughed out loud and Poe felt rather proud at being the cause of it. He extended his hand out to you. "My name's Poe."

You accepted his hand and shook it firmly.

"Yeah I know. It would make me look bad if I didn't know the name of our top commander." Poe laughed lightly. He lightened his grip on you but didn't let go. When you didn't withdraw your hand he smiled and let your hands rest between you. "My name's (y/n)."

"Oh I know," he said with a grin.

"Because you've been stalking me?"

"I wouldn't say stalking. More along the lines of...observing."

"Ah yes. That makes a world of difference."

"Shines a completely different light on the situation." You laughed and smiled at him and he couldn't help but do the same. "So, (y/n), can I tempt you to share a portion of rations with me later tonight? We can sit out by my X-Wing and further discuss this tension between us."

"How could I turn down such an enticing offer?"


Finn and Rey stood a good distance away, watching the exchange.

"He thinks he so smooth," Finn laughed.

"He's known to be rather charming," Rey said. Finn looked at her with concern but leaned against the wall and attempted to act cool.

"Charming? You, uh, think he's charming?"

"I said he's known to be charming," Rey laughed. "Not that I thought he was charming." Before Finn could respond an officer across the way called him and Rey over.

"Right," Finn said as he followed Rey. "Of course. Just a reputation." Rey laughed and shook her head. "Nothing to worry about," he told himself softly. "Nothing at all."

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