Inlusio (Poe Dameron x Reader)

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"Stop what you're doing, and turn around. Slowly. And don't get any ideas."

You looked over your shoulder and smiled. You did as the pilot said and turned to face him. Surprise spread over Poe's face when he saw you. His hold on his blaster faltered slightly. You weren't anything like he'd imagined. From all the horror stories of your dark deeds he'd expected something harsh, brooding. Something not unlike that of Kylo Ren or even the First Order's General. You were the complete opposite. Your eyes were bright and shining and you wore an easy smile on your face. Your hair was perfectly smoothed and fell elegantly down your back. If there hadn't been a trail of injured resistance fighters on the way here, he wouldn't have believed you'd participated in any type of fight at all.

"Uh, just, um.." he stammered. "Put that away." He gestured to the pulsating lightsaber in your hand. You shrugged and hit the button on the hilt. The red light retracted instantly. You rolled it in your hand before tossing it to Poe.

His right hand flew up out of instinct to catch it.

"It's not like I'd need it anyway," you said nonchalantly. You turned back to the monitors behind you and started navigating your way through the files.

Poe stared at the weapon in his hand confused. He dropped his blaster for an instant but immediately raised it when he saw you at the monitor.

"Hey what are you doing!"

"Taking all your data and wiping the hard drives," you said as you worked. "You can put your arm down you know. You're just wasting your energy. It's not like it would stop me anyway."

He knew it was true but he couldn't stand comfortably if his blaster wasn't pointed at you. He couldn't just sit back and let you take all that data. He shifted uncomfortably between raising his blaster and setting it down but he couldn't make up his mind.

"Please, point your gun at me if it helps you relax," you said, still not looking at him. "Your confused energy is giving me a headache."

He raised his blaster and pointed it at your back. "I can't just let you leave with that information."

"I'm walking out of here with everything I want. But I'm sure you'll try your hardest to stop me."

He squeezed the trigger of his blaster. The shot was almost instantaneously redirected to hit the wall behind him. He huffed and moved targets to the monitors. He shot again but it was as effective as the first shot. A piece of rubble suddenly flew up from the floor and smacked him in the forehead. He winched in pain and held his hand at the point of injury.

"Stop that. You're making it hard to concentrate."

"And you're making it hard to do my job," he replied.

"Yeah well you should do a better job of recruiting and defending," you said. "It was embarrassingly easy to make my way in here."

"We'll we're not exactly prepared to stop an assault from Sith-Lords, okay?"

You ejected a small reflective chip from the monitor in front of you and placed it in your pocket. The rest of the screens went dark before error codes popped up amongst all of them. You turned to face him again and he felt himself involuntarily catch his breath.

"Seeing as you're actively trying to fight against two of them, I'd suggest you'd work on that."

You opened your palm and your lightsaber flew out of Poe's hand back into yours. You clipped it onto your belt and walked toward the exit behind Poe. When you were within his grasp he reached out and took hold of your wrist.

"You're just gonna let me walk out of here?" he asked.

"Why? Do you wish to die today?"

He looked back at you confused. "Why would you keep me alive?" You smiled at him and he felt his heart start to pound.

"Because I think you have a very attractive face and I hate to think of a universe without it. I've killed enough pretty boys today. No need to unnecessarily add another."

"So, I'm pretty enough to live?"

"Basically," you said still smiling. "You're pretty and skillful enough for a lot more actually. What do you say, want to come back with me?" He laughed before speaking.

"And why would I ever do that?"

"Because," you said, drawing your face dangerously close to his. "At the end of the day, you know the Resistance doesn't stand a chance. Don't you want to be on the winning side? You could be a commander for the First Order, my commander. Imagine all the possibilities if you were behind a TIE fighter instead of an X-Wing. With your talents you could easily climb the ranks. Why die with them when you could prosper with us?"

He couldn't keep his thoughts straight with you so close to him. But when he thought about it, why should he have to die for the greater good? Why was it fair for him to have to make so many sacrifices just for others to reap the rewards?

"You could be my second," you said. "You wouldn't have to starve or hide ever again. It could be me and you, if you wanted."

"Me and you?" he asked. You nodded, your lips tugging into the slightest of smiles.

He closed the small distance between you and pressed his lips against yours. You were warm and soft and better than anything before. Your fingers threaded into his hair as he kissed you roughly. His hands traveled down your sides and rested at your hips. He was in complete bliss until his hand brushed against the weapon on your belt.

Suddenly memories of his fallen friends flashed before his eyes. All the battles, and the fighting. Running from planet to planet. Mothers and fathers separated from their children because they'd left to fight to make sure they had a future. And the deaths. All the dead that had come to be because of what sat at your hip.

He pushed himself away from you.

"No," he said, panting slightly. "No, I'd never join you."

You didn't look mad or offended. You just nodded and smiled sweetly at him.

"I said that at one point as well. And look where I am." You started for the exit again.

"I'm not you," Poe said as you walked by. You paused and turned to him.

"No," you said with a shake of your head. "You're not. But I've already made a home right, there-" you tapped a finger at the center of his forehead- "and you won't be able to stop thinking about me now."

You turned and continued walking.

So, that's all this is, Poe thought. Just Sith mind tricks. You laughed from across the room.

"You wish, Poe Dameron. I haven't influenced your mind one bit since you stepped on this planet. Every thought and feeling you've had has been of your own free will my friend." You stopped at the door and looked back at him. "I'm sure we'll be seeing each other soon." You winked at him and disappeared from sight.

Poe stood in the room, alone and confused. He shook his head. There was no way. You had done something to him. Planted those thoughts in his head, making him like you. How else would he have developed an attraction for you so fast, from a single glance. And you of all people. One of the leaders of the First Order, the very thing he'd sworn to help take down. No, you had influenced. You were a Sith. Siths lied and manipulated. That was all this was.

He brought his fingers to his lips, already missing the warmth of yours against his. He sighed in frustration.

God, he hoped you were lying.

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