Climbing the Ranks (Poe Dameron x Reader)

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"We'd make such a cute couple."

You rolled your eyes at the pilot next to you. He was leaning against the lockers next to you, arms crossed and confident smile on his face.

"Oh would we?" You grabbed your boots from the locker and sat on the wobbly bench behind you.

"We would," he reassured you. "You with your sparkling and eyes and me with my everything. We'd be the envy of the whole base."

"Mmm hmm." You laced up your shoe tying it securely. You went to grab its partner but Poe got to it before you. He knelt down and started lacing it up for you.

"Not to mention we be the deadliest duo around," he said. "With our X-Wing skills we could take out the entire First Orders fleet on our own." He finished with your shoe and looked up at you. His bright smile made your stomach tingle but you shook your head.

"You're nothing but trouble, Dameron."

"Not entirely." You shook your head and stood up.

"I'm trying to get promoted here. I just want to be a Captain and a squadron leader. And when I get there I don't want anyone thinking it's because I've been sleeping with a commander." You walked away, heading for the flight deck, when Poe called after you.

"So you admit you've thought about sleeping with me?" You turned around scowling, but you couldn't hide the pink flush on your cheeks. "That's answer enough for me," he smiled. "I'll see you when you have some stars on your sleeve."

You turned and walked away, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from smiling.






When you arrived back at the base you were met with cheers and applause. You had been on raid to a First Order occupied planet. During the assault, the squadron leader had been injured during a fire fight. He was unable to continue and, thanks to you, he was successfuly evacuated by medical staff. With command gone you had assumed the role of leader and completed the mission, liberating the village and destroying First Order supplies.

Poe watched from the sidelines as everyone took turns engulfing you with shouts of excitement and gratitude. The base didn't quiet down until General Organa herself made an appearance. Poe saw her say a few words to you. Whatever it was it made you grow serious. He saw you nod your understanding and followed her back inside.






Poe whistled contently as he made his way to his quarters for the night. He was almost done with his song when you bounded around the corner. When you saw him your eyes lit up and you all but ran to him.

"Well hey there, someones got a spring in their step," he smiled.

"I got promoted!" You said excitedly. "Leia herself took me into her office and told me how admirable my efforts were on the mission. She promoted me right then and there, look!" You pointed to the new patch on your shoulder. You were gleaming with pride and excitement and Poe couldn't remember you ever being happier.

"Oooh huh hooo, somebody's a captain now, congratulations. I better watch out you'll be gunning for my spot now."

"Oh please," you waved him off. "Like anyone could replace Poe Dameron, the best pilot in the galaxy."

"Well, I wouldn't mind some healthy competition."

"If that's the way you want it, then you better watch out," you smiled.

"You know, I seem to remember promising you a certain meeting when you had that patch on your shoulder."

A slight blush tinged your cheeks and you bit your lip in a failed attempt to conceal your grin.

"I think I remember something like that."

"Offer still stands," he smiled.

"Well, it would be a shame to waste such an opportunity."

"Then what are we still doing standing around here?"

He took your hand and led you down the hall. You ran beside him, your laughter echoing throughout the base. 

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