Ages Past -Medieval! AU- (kylo x reader)

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The small village glimmered in the distance. From your position you were able to make out shadowy figures moving by the firelight. The message your agents intercepted proved true and a man rode up on a brown stallion and entered the residence you knew housed Lor San Tekka.

"This has to be the exchange," you said. Kylo nodded in agreement.

"It would appear so."

After enough time had passed Kylo gave the order and the soldiers around you began their march to surround the village. Their armor clanged in unison as they advanced, the moon glinting off the worn metal.

They had just reached the city when the man exited the dwelling. When he saw the army he yelled out a warning and the village descended into chaos. Amongst the noise and fires you lost sight of him but you saw two soldiers emerge from the home, an old man held between them.

"Now's our time," Kylo said. "Advance on me."

He spurred his horse forward and you followed a few strides behind. Your accompanying guard followed on foot, their hands on their weapons at the ready.

By the time you rode in the village had grown silent. The remaining civilians watched in fear as you passed. A few of the cowering citizens flinched at the sound of your horse snorting and you couldn't help but laugh. Your laughter only frightened them more and they huddled together, pressing their eyes tightly shut as they prayed for this to be over, or to wake from their nightmare.

You halted your horse when you reached Tekka. The soldier to your right extended his hand and helped you down. You passed him the reins and escorted your horse away.

You stayed to the right of Kylo, following in step with him and stopping just as you reached the captive man. Kylo spoke first, his deep voice intensified by the helm he wore.

"You've grown old, ancient even."

"Much worse has come to pass for you," the man replied.

"You know why we stand before you," Kylo continued.

The old man looked between you and Kylo. The last time he had seen you you had both worn the cloths of Knights to be. Simple children, dedicated to their studies, but even more so dedicated to each other. At the time everything had seemed so innocent. But looking back he could see the signs. Everyone that had known you in the past could now. You were both filled with too much passion, so much emotion for souls so young. What had been misinterpreted as self-discipline had been aggression and cruelty. Your blind commitment to each other seen as a mere bond between pupils.

You both stood tall in front of him, decorated in your infamous black armor and cloaks. Your sparkling eyes had grown cruel and ,could he see Kylos, he was sure they would glimmer with the same darkness. He gave a defeated sigh, thinking about all you both could have been.

"I know where you stood before. Before you came to be known as Kylo Ren," he turned to you. "And (y/n)."

"We know you've found the map that leads to the man we're looking for," you told him. "The one known as Skywalker."

"And now you're going to give it to the First Order," Kylo said.

"The First Order was forged from darkness," the old man stated. "You both, did not." Kylo took a threatening step forward.

"I can show you darkness."

"You may try. But whatever you do to me, no amount of darkness will be able to hide the truth that is your family."

"There's truth in your words."

Kylo grabbed the hilt of his sword and pulled it skyward. It sparked as he pulled it from the scabbard and when it was fully withdrawn it ignited with red flames. He brought the scorching blade down against the man in front of him and his body fell with a lifeless thud.

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