Prompt Request 2 Hux x Reader

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You trudged through the dense forest, your boots sticking to the thick mud. It had slowed your progress and you weren't making time like you would have liked. Along with the mud you had to continually swat away insects that buzzed incessantly around your ears and neck. These were all elements you were used to, however. Even the occasional downpour was manageable. What wasn't was the ever-whining General you had in tow.

"How much further must we stomp along in this muck?" He complained, frantically swatting at the colorful bugs harassing him. "Ugh this is disgusting."

"Just keep walking."

You continued along until you found what you were looking for. A stream.

"Oh finally," Hux said, huffing. "I don't think I've ever been so thirsty in my life."

"Hux we've only been walking for 45 minutes."

"I know and it's been unbearable. I can feel my heels bleeding."

You rolled your eyes and went to the water. You drank down a few handfuls and washed off your face and arms. Hux followed suit but began gagging when he took his first sip.

"Oh god," he said, coughing and sputtering. "It's so sour! Why is it sour?"

"You should be thankful it's sour," you said as you took another drink. "It means it's clean."

He tried to take another drink but couldn't bring himself to do it. As soon as the water touched his tongue he spit it out.

"Disgusting. How am I bear these conditions?"

"Next time we crash land I'll be sure to look for a luxurious stronghold before I pick a destination."

"Or you could just not crash," he suggested bitterly. Your head snapped to him. You were staring daggers at him and for a moment he was sure he crossed the line.

"Or next time you could properly train your scouts and have them report reliable intel. Maybe if they were competent enough in the first place, we could have sent them instead of having to come personally. Imagine, the entire First Order falls to pieces because the General and Sith-Master were given false intel from incapable scouts. My only hope is that somehow Resistance fighters infiltrated our ranks because if this is merely the result of inept leadership it will be the most embarrassing mishap seen in the galaxy."

"It's not leadership I-" Hux began but you quickly cut him off.

"You had better pray to your gods that this doesn't get out, Armitage. How will we be able to hold onto our power and instill fear in the masses if they know we can't even have our own soldiers in line? Were I you I would fear for my position, and life, once the Supreme Leader hears of this."

You stormed off, leaving Hux silent, and with a few new things to worry about. He caught up to you and followed silently.

It was nearly nightfall when you finally stopped. You instructed Hux to make a fire, which he did, silently.

Once you were warm you settled under a rock formation that mimicked a cave. The structure offered you shelter from the wind and occasional drizzle. You layed down on your stomach, wrapping your cloak around you.

"Are we to sleep to here?" Hux complained. "It's filthy! And crawling with all kind of unnatural insects and creatures."

"You don't have to sleep anywhere," you grumbled, not bothering to open your eyes. "But I'm going to sleep here. I haven't the faintest concern of what you do with yourself."

He mumbled something to himself but settled next you. "When will Ren be here to get us?"

"At sunrise."

"That's hours from now," he whined. "Hours of laying here in this dirt and grime. With who knows what trying to crawl in my boots. All this cold rain, and then hot winds. Not to mention the-"

"Hux if you don't go to sleep right now I will make sure you can't walk in the morning."

He swallowed his complaints on the spot, suffering in silence as you drifted off to sleep. 

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