A New Dawn (Kylo Ren x Reader)

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Kylo's eyes fluttered open. His body was telling him it was morning, or whatever morning was when you were drifting through the black void of space.

When his eyes focused he saw you sitting next to him at the edge of the bed. You were staring out the window, the light of the passing stars illuminating your face. Sensing him stirring, you turned to him and smiled.

"Ready for another tedious day?"

"Am I ever?" You laughed melodically as got up and sat next you, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. No matter how much he slept his body was never satisfied. His eyes burned and there was a tingling headache in the back of his head. "I'm going to need at least three showers to wake up."

"Well go get started. Your training is to start soon. You wouldn't want to be late. I'll be here waiting when you're done."


You smiled up at him. "Where else would I be?"

Kylo nodded and went to get clean and dressed. The brisk shower worked and he felt more awake after he dressed in his training uniform. He was sure by midday he'd be exhausted again, but he'd be able to get through training at least.

"I always liked your training outfit best," you said as he re-entered the room. "You so rarely get to show your shoulders."

"Would my leadership be more effective if I showed my arms?"

"You'd certainly have my attention." Kylo laughed softly at your words. He began to answer but was cut off by a timid knock at the door.

"Kylo Ren, sir?" The voice was stressed and there was the slightest stutter in their words. Kylo rolled his eyes.

"Be nice," you said. "He's already scared enough. Don't make his day harder than it already is."

"What is it?" He called out, keeping the annoyance from his voice.

"The Supreme Leader has summoned you. You are to begin your training for the day."

"I'll be there shortly."

"Sir." Kylo heard the man quickly walk away.

"Good boy," you smiled.

"Do I get a reward?" He asked with a slight smile.

"Easy tiger. How about you get through training first?"

"Like I have a choice," he said.

He clipped his lightsaber to his belt and made his way to the training room with you close at his heels. As he walked the soldiers and officers all gave him the proper signs of respect. He didn't notice them. He just wanted to get this training session over with.

"Ah, my apprentice," Snoke greeted him as he entered the room. "Ready to begin?"

"Yes, Supreme Leader."

"Good. You've been showing great improvement. I believe it's time to take on some more advanced techniques."

"That's my boy," you said softly from the side of the room. Kylo gave the smallest of smiles.

"I am ready for whatever you wish to teach me."

"Then let us get underway."

The training session was hours long and difficult, as it always was. Kylo always enjoyed the first part of training. The feel of working and strengthening his muscles left him feeling proud and satisfied. But Snoke always pushed Kylo beyond his limits and the time would come when he his muscles became exhausted and fatigued. Snoke believed this was when the real training began. Pushing your body when it was in this state improved endurance and the survivalist instinct. To Kylo it was a hairline away from being torturous.

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