Inlusio Pt. 2 (Poe Dameron x Sith!reader)

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It had been weeks since Poe's encounter with you. He'd gone over it a million times in his head, trying to figure out how you had gotten inside his mind. He still didn't believe he had fallen for you of his own volition. You had something to do with it. You had to.

He went through it play by play, but each time he did he found himself stuck on you more and more. He just couldn't get you out of his head. It was driving him insane.

He was alone in his personal quarters. The moonlight streaming in through the window. It was much too late for him to be awake. But he couldn't sleep. He was scribbling in his journal. Writing about you. Again. He had already written about his encounter with you, but now he was working on writing done every detail he could find about you. Everything from other survivor's accounts of you, the rumors that spread from planet to plant, your exploits, your mannerisms. Anything at all that was about you he put down.

He was writing about your most recent takeover. A forest planet just outside the rich inner planets. He was writing about the number of innocent people you had killed and how quickly you had done it. He was doing the math when he suddenly realized what he was doing. How he was obsessing over you. He snatched up the book and threw it against the wall, yelling out as he did so. He held his face in his hands. What was wrong with him?"

"A bit moody tonight, are we?"

He jumped up at your voice, nearly knocking over the small table he was using. You were under the window, elegantly sprawled across his desk.

"What are you-! How did-?!"

"So pretty but not the least bit articulate. Guess you can't have everything," you smiled.

"How did you get here! What did you do?! What is-?"

"Oh no, don't blame me flyboy. This is all you. You and your little fit. You brought me here. Thinking about me that bad, huh?"

"You're not really here," he said shaking his head. "You're just in my head. I've just gone crazy. Finally cracked. Poe Dameron, the nutjob of the Resistance."

"Mmm, yes and no," you said. You sat up straighter and Poe couldn't help but notice how sheer your dressing gown was. "I'm not really here and I am in your head. But this is very real."

"Stop talking in circles," Poe demanded. "What do you mean?" He suddenly noticed his journal on the floor, open to pages about you.

"What are you looking at? Are you hiding something?" You followed his gaze but you looked everywhere but the book.

"Wait can you not...can you not see where I am?" He asked.

"I see you," you said. "Only you. But you like that, don't you? Being the center of my attention." You laughed at his angry face. "I assume you can only see me."

"I'd say no, but you know I'd be lying."

"Right you are," you smiled.

"You still haven't explained. How is this real?"

"Come here. I'll show you." You extended your hand to him. He hesitated, but only for a moment, and walked toward you.

He slowly reached for your outstretched hand. Ever so slightly he touched his fingertips to yours. He furrowed his brow in confusion. He could feel you, but only the sensation. He could feel the pressure of touching your hand, but he couldn't feel your warmth. It was like touching a book or a chair. Lifeless.

"How is this possible? It has to be real. At least a part of it. You can't touch hallucinations."

"It would seem your desire for me is stronger than you thought. Then we both thought."

"I don't have a desire for you," he retorted.

"I can sense your lying, remember?" He swallowed hard, embarrassed.

"So what, I have a crush on you and now you have access to my headspace?"

"This is stronger than infatuation," you smiled. "This is a force-bond."

"A force-bond?" he laughed. "Yeah, right. I'm going with Sith-mind tricks."

"This is no trick." Your voice grew serious. "This is...something new."

"How can we be Force-bonded?" He asked in disbelief. "First off, I don't even have the force. And second, why would I be bonded with you? You're my enemy. You're everything I stand against."

"Apparently not," you grinned. "And, of course, you have the Force. Enough of it anyway. Why do you think you're so good at flying? Think all those fast reflexes and hyper instincts were all yours?"

"This doesn't make sense," he said. He dragged his fingers down your forearm, feeling you and not feeling you at the same time. You both raised you hands and placed your palms together.

"It doesn't matter if it makes sense," you said. "It's happening. With or without your approval."

"How does it feel, to you?"

"Like static. Like a million tiny sparks of electricity jumping between us." He interlocked his fingers with yours and stepped closer to you, feeling drawn to you. He couldn't stand not being next to you.

His free hand found your leg and he lightly ran his fingers along the outside of your thigh. He never took his eyes away from yours though, he couldn't. You laughed at him, a sound that was too melodic to come from a Sith like you.

"Wondering what that would feel like, huh? I don't think we'd have time for that tonight."

"I've been thinking about you," he admitted. "Ever since that night. I haven't been able to stop."

"Getting desperate, hmm?" You lowered your face toward his, inching closer and closer. "Do you want a sneak peek?" you whispered.

He swallowed hard again, his mouth suddenly dry. He nodded. "Yes," he said, and he knew how desperate he sounded. "Yes. Please. Anything."

You closed the distance and kissed him, your hands coming up to the back of his neck. It was an odd sensation. It didn't feel right, and it wasn't enough. He kissed you back harder, trying to feel more. When his hand traveled up your waist you pushed him away suddenly, jarring him out of his thoughts. He was already breathing heavy and his mind was a frenzy.

"Just a sneak peek, remember?" You laughed at his disappointment. "It's time for me to go."

"When will I see you again?" The words spilling out of his mouth. "When?"

"Be a good boy and I'll drop by," you smiled. "Or I suppose the next time your desperation builds, you'll force me back. Whichever comes first."

He was going to ask you another question when you turned away. Looking at someone he couldn't see. You smiled. A genuine smile, not the mocking ones you'd given him. You extended out your hand and he saw you close it but even then he couldn't see the other persons hand.

"Armitage," you cooed. And suddenly you were gone.

Poe blinked and rubbed his eyes, bringing himself back into reality. What had just happened? Had it been real at all?

No it was real, he decided. What he couldn't decide was whether or not you were lying. Force-bond? How could that be real. It sounded like a fairy tale.

But it must be true. What else would explain...all of that. He had research to do, definitely.

But one other thing was bothering him.

Who the hell was Armitage?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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