Remeo (Kylo Ren x Reader)

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You stood speaking with Hux when the ship arrived. Kylo emerged from its doors, dark circles around his eyes and new marks along his jawline. It was the first time youd seen him in nearly four weeks. He stared at you across the hanger but immediately turned away when you looked back. Hux went to meet him to get a brief report of his mission. When Hux was satisfied and walked away Kylo looked back to you. Again, the look was brief but as he stared at you, you heard a single word.


You looked away before anyone could notice. Both he and Hux left the hanger, leaving you behind to wait out the long hours alone.

After sitting in your quarters for what felt like a century, you heard your name being called softly through the door. When you called back door the slid open and Kylo walked in. He somehow seemed even more exhausted than before but when he saw you he gave the slightest of smiles.

You rushed forward and threw your arms around him. He caught you by the waist and held you up as you buried you face against his neck. You held him tightly, the weeks of worrying making you believe you wouldn't see him again.

"You were gone for so long." Your words were muffled against his skin. "I missed you."

You pulled back so you could face him. Dark rings sat under his eyes from his neverending lack of sleep along with the new angry red scratches on along his jaw. There were still flecks of dried blood against his forehead from his last skirmish. He was bloody and bruised but as he looked at you there was a shine in his eyes that only you ever got to see.

You ran your hands through his hair as he spoke to you.

"I missed you too. The entire time." His words were soft and comforting. "Could you feel it?" You nodded.


"Good." He leaned forward and kissed your lips, the action making you feel warm throughout your body. You happily returned the gesture, the kisses gradually increasing in intensity. You were nearly out of breath when there was a knock at the door.

Kylo huffed in annoyance and set you down. You smoothed your hair out as you approached the door. When you opened it Hux was standing before you.

"Ah, (y/n). I have a message for you from the Supereme Leader."

When Kylo saw that it was only Hux he stepped to your side, his arm finding it's way around your waist.

"Is this necessary?" He asked. Hux rolled his eyes.

"Do you think I would have walked the 3 miles down here if it wasn't?"

"What is it Hux?" You asked, interjecting before this turned into another squabble of theirs. Hux was the only one that knew of your secret affair and a part of you was always worried Kylo would push him too far one day. You didnt want to think about what could happen after that.

"I'm to report that you're to spend the morning with Captain Phasma and myself while we evaluate the new recruits and begin their training. He wants you to observe the process and believes it will help you better understand our battle tactics."

"Message recieved," Kylo said. "I believe that concludes your business here."

"And what business do you have here, Ren?"

"I haven't seen her for a month. What business do you think I have here?"

Hux remained scowling at Kylo but that didnt stop his face from turning red.

"Thank you, Hux," you said. "Ill see you in the morning." He turned to you and gave a curt nod before walking away, his ears still burning.

You pressed a button against the wall and the door slid close and locked. You turned to Kylo, intending to warn him about his attitude to Hux. But before you could his lips were against yours and he was carrying you across the room. You told yourself you would scold him about it later but when you felt soft pillows against your back you couldn't really remember what you were planning to scold him about. When he started whispering soft words in your ear you couldn't even remember who had been at the door...

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