You're in love with her. part 2 (hux x reader)

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After that night in camp, Hux began putting his plans into action. He started off slow and simple. He started greeting you whenever you passed each other in the halls. Whenever you decided to grace the officer's dining hall with your presence he'd nod at you from across the room. Eventually he worked his way up to "good morning" and "how are you this afternoon". You warmed up to him and began giving him more than one word replies. He made the most progress when he started asking your opinions of the First Order's missions and battle strategies. It was a subject that excited you and it gave way to lengthy open-ended conversations. He was always sure to praise your ideas and skills. You would roll your eyes and pretend not to care but he could always see the slightest of smiles tug at your lips.

All the while Kylo new what he was doing. He tried his best to keep the two of you apart, but at the end of the day there was no telling you what to do. You began following Hux to meetings that he was in charge off. You liked seeing him in his position of power, making the inferior officer's stutter and fall silent when they couldn't think of answers. At one point some captain or other had lost track of an entire supply convoy which led to Hux calling him out in front of the entire council in an elegant speech that insulted the man in every way possible. The whole time you sat in the back of the room smiling, enjoying the way Hux's voice and words reverberated off the slick tiles and steel walls.

After that meeting you asked Hux to join you on a stroll on the west side of the ship. "It has the tallest windows and best views." He of course agreed. You walked in comfortable silence, only breaking the quiet with a comment every now and again. As the time passed Hux gained a bit of courage and allowed his gloved hand to brush against yours. When you didn't pull away he loosely interlocked his fingers with yours. Again, you didn't pull away and kept walking as if nothing had happened. "Look there Armitage." You were pointing at a group of blue stars on the horizon. "I haven't seen that cluster since I was a child." Hux's chest swelled with triumph. It was the first time you'd ever called him by his first name.

Despite Hux's progress, you still spent time with Kylo. As much as Hux hated to admit it, there was no denying you had a bond with the sith-in-training. It was a bond formed from time spent together on the frontlines, years of training, and shared hardships. You'd both suffered at the hands of Snoke and it was an ordeal that only you both could understand. It was a powerful bond, he couldn't deny that. But it wasn't his goal to break it, he just had to create something stronger.

Sometime later Hux had you to himself. Kylo had been sent off to lead a mission on Snoke's order, an order that was heavily swayed by Hux's insistence that he be the one to lead such a crucial mission. Kylo had known exactly what Hux was doing but he couldn't fight an order from the Supreme Leader himself. Instead he had been left to watch Hux walk away with you as he departed with the rest of the soldiers.

"He knows this mission was your doing." You stood next to Hux, looking out at the various moons the ship was passing at the time.

"I know he does. It doesn't bother me." He ran his fingers over the silky fabric of your loose sleeves. It was normal for you to wear nicer robes when you weren't in your training attire, but Hux couldn't help but notice your robes became much more luxurious when you would be spending time with him.

"Nothing bothers you."

"Not much, no. Especially not him."

"He's a bit bothered by you. And your schemes." Hux smirked.

"I don't catch your meaning."

"Mmm hmm."

"For what it's worth, you stand to gain more by my side than his."

"Is that so?"

"It is. I could give you everything. I'd decimate planets, entire species, if it's what would make you happy." You smiled innocently up at him.

"You're not the first man to make that offer to me." You raised yourself up, drawing close to his face, your noses almost touching. "What could you give me that he couldn't?"

"A great number of things." His words were soft, sincere. You drew ever closer causing your lips to just barely brush against each other. Your next words came out as a hushed whisper.

"Then prove it."

You backed away from him, smiling smugly before leaving down the hall, your elegant robes billowing behind you.

Hux was awake for hours in his room that night, trying to think of something. He was nodding off behind his desk when an idea suddenly came to mind.


"General, may I ask why you've brought me to this barren desert moon?"

You followed closely behind him, your footsteps stirring up red and purple dust that stuck to your clothes. It was miserably hot, the large white sun taking up most of the cloudless sky.

"It's not barren," he explained. "This moon contains very valuable ore deposits. There are slaves working in the mines 24/7."

He led you to a cliff that overlooked a valley below. "See there?"

You looked down and saw hundreds of people. Some were hacking at the ridges of the valley while others were venturing out of the mines, each hauling the precious ore on their backs that glittered blindingly in the sun. Your eyes scanned over the numerous slaves. They were all sickly and dirty. The sight made your nose scrunch in disgust.

"Hux, what's the po-" your words were broken off with a gasp. Your instinctively reached toward Hux, gripping at his sleeve. "That man? Is-is that?"

"Your former slave master? Yes it is. But you'll find the roles are a bit reversed this time around."

You stared down at a man that appeared no different than the others. He was covered in filth, skinny, and exhausted. But you'd recognize his face anywhere. After all this time it still haunted your dreams. The last time you'd seen him he had a cruel grin on his face, his whip lashing out with brute strength. You could still feel the sting of the lashes against your back. Your hands massaged the scars at your wrist, the weight of the shackles suddenly feeling very real there. You swallowed hard as you watched your past tormenter struggle with the weight on his back.

"What happened?"

"I remembered you telling me a brief snippet about your past. I was able to dig through some confidential files and found the slave owner, along with all the information about his business. I sent Captain Phasma and a small squadron to the planet where you were enslaved. They slaughtered everyone there."

"Including the other slaves?" Hux's confidence faltered for a moment.

"Yes. Would you have rather they lived?" You shook your head.

"No. They were weak. Every time I tried to incite a rebellion they shyed away in fear. They didn't deserve freedom."

"I see. That planet is under First Order control now. We're going to use it as an outpost. However, I made sure they didn't kill the ringleader there. I though it more fitting if he lived out his days here as slave, and died under someone else's whip."

"Yes. It is a great deal more fitting.... but why did you do this?" You looked up at Hux, your eyes wet with anger and painful memories.

"For you, of course. I told you I would give you everything." He lowered his voice. "I gave you something he couldn't."

You stared back out at the scene below you. "Yes, you did." You looked back at him, your eyes dry and your usual smug look on your face. "You've given me a gift I couldn't even imagine." You grabbed his hand and started walking backwards. "Join me on the shuttle, General. I wish to show you my gratitude." 

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