Vulnero (Poe Dameron x Reader)

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Poe pulled your broken body behind an icy boulder. You winced in pain with every movement but he had to get you behind cover. It proved a difficult task with the snow blurring his vision and his hands slipping on your blood slicken uniform. Eventually he got you to safety but you needed a medic. Fast.

"You still with me (y/n)?" he asked as he made sure the surrounding area was clear.

"By some miracle," you grunted out. He ducked back behind cover, kneeling next you.

"Yeah well, me and you tend to be pretty miraculous." His hands went to the deep gash on your abdomen, doing his best to apply pressure to the wound. He felt his stomach drop and chest tighten when his hands were almost immediately saturated in blood.

He cursed under his breath. It was this stupid weather. Just when the fighting had picked up a storm blew over making it nearly impossible for the pilots to see. You had gone to help one of your companions, destroying the TIE fighter that he could barely see. In the aftermath, an enemy ship crashed into you. Both ships were destroyed in the process and you had been thrown into the air, eventually smashing against one of the enormous boulders that littered the planet. Poe had witnessed the entire thing and immediately went to your side, his heart pounding in his ears.

"Poe-" You starting coughing hard, spitting up blood in the process.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I got you," he said. He pulled you against him. He wrapped his arms around you, keeping you warm and still trying to minimize your blood loss.

"Poe," you said again. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna die here. I refuse to die somewhere this cold." You weakly smiled up at him before falling into another coughing fit. Poe smiled back and kissed you on the forehead, trying his best not to worry about the fact that he could now hear you wheezing with every breath.

"I know you won't," he said. "You're too stubborn to die." You laughed lightly.

"I got that from you." You looked up at him with watery eyes. You were trying to act cool, trying to be your normal nonchalant, sarcastic self but he could see the fear in your eyes.

"Do you remember when we were kids?" He asked, trying to distract you from the current situation.

"We weren't exactly kids at the same time."

"You know what I mean," he said with a slight laugh. "When we were young. Younger."

"When all the other girls made fun of me because I was obsessed with you?" you smiled.

"You should have made your obsession known sooner. Wouldn't have been a lot more fun for us."

"But then we wouldn't have had all that romantic tension." You coughed again and Poe wiped the blood off your lips.

"I'll always remember the time I first saw you fly," he told you. He laughed happily at the memory. "That boy telling you that just because you could fix X-Wings didn't mean you could fly them. And then you challenged him to a race and just destroyed him." He laughed again, the sound giving you the warm feeling of happiness that it always did.

"His name was Hugh," you said weakly. "He didn't talk to me for a month. And he never challenged to anything again. Not even rock, paper, scissors." Poe pulled you close, touching his forehead to yours briefly.

"I knew then that you were the one for me."

"That's what I always told the other girls. That's why they always laughed. But look who's laughing now." You shivered hard, the blood loss making you much more susceptible to the weather. "It's so cold. I hate the cold."

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