Unforeseen (Kylo Ren x Reader)

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The small dark-haired boy stretched out his hand. In front of him sat a pile of glittering white stones. He furrowed his brow in concentration. Slowly the stones began to levitate one by one. He focused and they formed a circle and he began rotating them in a clockwise manner.

A shout of glee came from beside him followed by the excitement of clapping hands. He turned to see you beaming at him.

"You're amazing Ben!" you exclaimed. He lowered his head and smiled shyly.

"It's not that hard," he confessed.

"Well I can't do it. I've tried," you said defeated.

"Well you can swim. I can't do that," the boy said, trying to comfort you. You waved your hand at him.

"Yeah but anyone can learn to swim. I can't learn-" you flourished your hand at the rocks- "that."

"But you're smart. I bet you could if you really tried."

"Nah," you shrugged. "It's okay anyways. You'll be a Jedi and I'll be a pilot. And we'll be protectors of the galaxy!" You dramatically thrust your arm into the air toward the blue sky above. Ben laughed at your enthusiasm.

"Protectors of the galaxy," he agreed. He held up his arm. "And best friends. Always." You grasped his hand and smiled.

"Till the end of the universe and back."


"I leave to start my training tomorrow."

"I know," you replied in a strained voice. "I've been counting the days. I haven't been able to think about anything else."

"I haven't either," he said taking your hand. You looked up to him with watery eyes. "It will be okay. It's nothing we haven't been expecting."

"It doesn't make it any easier," you replied. He pulled you tight against his chest and you did your best not to openly cry. He rested his chin on your head and ran his fingers through your hair.

"It will only be a few months before I'll be able to see you. And until then I'll get in contact with you whenever I'm allowed. Besides, your heading to the academy in two weeks. You'll forget all about me once you get inside one of those X-Wings. Probably find another guy too."

"Don't even joke about that," you said looking up at him. He laughed softly and wiped away some of the stray tears that had managed to escape your eyes.

"I was only kidding."

"Won't you get in trouble?" you asked looking down.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I thought Jedi weren't allowed. Feelings, I mean." He raised a confused eyebrow. "You know, relationships," you clarified. He nodded solemnly.

"We'll figure something out. I promise," he said.

"You mean it?" He nodded.

"I mean it. I love you too much for anything otherwise."

"To the end of the universe and back?" you questioned. He smiled softly.

"Till the end of the universe and back."


Your X-Wing shuddered as it struggled to stay air borne. All around you ships darted here and there and the sounds of shots and explosions were deafening.

"Eddy act fast or prepare for a very abrupt landing," you told your droid. He beeped in response and you could hear various whirring and sparks as he attempted to repair the damage.

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