A Past in Silver (Hux x Reader)

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Warm hands lightly caressed your figure, tracing the now silver marks that were embedded in your skin. He paused when he reached three gashes that sat atop your ribs.

"What is the story behind this?"

"I was abandoned on a planet of jungles. I was to learn the skills of survival. Thanks to a lion-like beast that cornered me, I was forced to learn very quickly. I still see him in my dreams, occasionally."

"How old were you?"

"Fourteen." Hux smiled and traced the lines.

"So young yet so strong."

"Not strong, foolish. I wasn't paying attention. I should have been able to hear it coming from miles away."

"You'd be able to hear it across systems now. I'd say it was a lesson well learned." He moved his hands lower to a line across your abdomen.

"And here?"

"Eleven, on a desert planet. I was supposed to stay with a squadron of storm troopers I was assigned to. I wandered off and eventually found myself chasing after a thief."

"And you were doing the honorable thing and stopping them?"

"Not exactly," you laughed. "He had stolen a pearl necklace I was planning on stealing. I got mad and chased after him. He was a few years older than me, and a lot faster so I had to run through all sorts of shortcuts to catch him. But I got him, eventually." Hux chuckled lightly.

"And what of the necklace?" Your face fell.

"Snoke learned of the event. He took it from me and crushed it to powder beneath his feet. I learned that to desire materialistic things was foolish and a sign of weakness." He looked down at you, a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"It was for the best. Pearls are beneath you. Diamonds and gold are more your caliber."

"I wouldn't know. I've had neither."

"Then I'll have to fix that." You smiled half-heartedly at him but drew him down, pressing your lips against him.

"Ever the charmer," you said when you pulled away. He smiled and returned to looking over your skin.

"There's so many," he said. "Do they all contain stories?" You shook your head.

"The only other one that does is the split in my back. But you know about one already, don't you?"

"I don't recall," he said. "Tell me."

"When I was 17, I ran away with Kylo." He straightened his back, pulling away from you.

"You what?" He questioned.

"We ran away," you said softly. "It had been a particularly hard month of training. Snoke wouldn't let us rest or sleep. We trained day in and day out. We were so bruised and broken we could barely stand. Yet Snoke still pushed us. We could barely concentrate on anything, even forming words was an almost impossible task. At the end of it, all we could verbalize was a "yes" or "no"."

"So you left?"

"We stole a TIE fighter in the dead of night. I jammed the signals and Kylo flew us systems away until we found an oasis of a planet. It was all oceans and sunshine," you said with the smallest hint of a smile. "We were in paradise for a week before we were found."

"And what happened during that week?" He said, his jealously nearly palpable.

"That is between me and Kylo," you stated bluntly. He huffed and looked away, turning his gaze towards the window.

"And after you were discovered?" He asked, looking back to you. You dropped your gaze and continued.

"I don't remember most of it, my mind won't let me. No matter how much I try. I remember laughing on a beach. Then the next thing I remember is laying against a cold floor, screaming out in pain. And then I had the scar."

Hux lifted your chin to look at you. You had a calm expression, but your eyes were shining with tears.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"It feels like a lifetime ago. Soon enough it will completely fade from memory." His thumb traced over your cheekbone and he placed warm kisses against your neck. You sighed and leaned into his touch, the unpleasant memories already fading from your thoughts.

"Nothing like that will happen to you again," he said against your skin. "Ren and I, we won't allow it. I won't allow it."

"I know you'll try," you said softly. He turned your face toward his and kissed you again, this time more forcibly than before.

"I mean it," he said with a stern look. A small smile appeared on your face, a satisfactory answer for him.

"The rest are from training," you said, switching the subject. "Lots from stormtroopers, Phasma, and the Praetorian guards. But most of them are from Kylo." You laughed when his face set into a scowl. "It's okay. He has just as many from me. We are the only equals for each other after all."

"I'd prefer it if you could keep yourself from attaining any new blemishes in the future."

"Is that a command, General?"

"It is. With the highest priority."

"Then I shall do my best. For your sake," you laughed. He smiled down at you wrapped his arms around you. He rolled to his back, allowing you to rest against his chest. He rubbed his hand against your back, his fingers tracing over the infamous scar that split you almost completely from your left shoulder to right hip.

"Get some rest," he said softly. "You have a long mission ahead of you tomorrow."

"As my general commands," you said. You closed your eyes and thanks to Hux's comforting hands it didn't take long for you to drift off.


It was late morning when you finally awoke the next day. Hux was gone, his duties calling him to the bridge much earlier than you. You sat up and stretched when you noticed a weight around your neck. You caught your reflection in the mirror and saw strands of gold and diamonds around your neck. You smirked, running your fingers along the precious stones and metal. You moved to stand up when your hand crinkled something. You looked down and found a scrap of parchment.

Your neck was looking bare.

You couldn't help the broad smile that appeared on your face.


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