Iunctus (Hux x Reader)

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Hux hadn't been the same since you joined the First Order. He remembered the day clearly. He had been informed of a new recruit and had gone to the shuttle to meet Ren and his new apprentice. Normally, he never went to greet anyone. If they were important enough they would eventually make their way to him. But this time was different. He had this feeling that he needed to be there, a calling of sorts.

He didn't know what he expected to find, but it certainly hadn't been you. You emerged from the shuttle beside Ren, your shoulders high and confidence in your step. Snoke may have considered you a novice but you obviously didn't. You exuded confidence and walked like you were already in charge of the entire ship.

You looked away from Ren, making direct eye contact with Hux. His heart skipped a beat and his legs went weak. The new sensation genuinely confused him. Ren turned and spoke to you softly. You nodded and smiled subtly at Hux. He thought he was going to pass out.

"General," Kylo greeted him.

"Ren," he responded.

"I've brought back our new recruit. This is (y/n) (l/n), a crucial new addition to the Order."

"Welcome aboard, (y/n). I'm sure your presence will be nothing but beneficial, to us all."

"You're most kind, General."

"My apologies," stated an approaching officer. "But I have strict orders to arm and outfit the new recruit immediately. Just as soon as her feet hit the deck."

"Of course," Kylo responded. "I'll find you after, when you're done," he told you. You nodded.

"It was nice meeting you," you told Hux. "I look forward to our next encounter."

"As do I." He watched as you left with the officer, only turning away when he heard Kylo laughing under his breath. "Something amusing, Ren?"

"You're setting your sights a bit high, aren't you?"

"I don't catch your meaning."

"Please," he scoffed. "I don't even need to read your mind to know what you're thinking about her. Just make sure you don't interfere with her training. There are more important things at hand than your....extracurricular activities."

"Don't you have somewhere to be Ren?" he spat. Kylo simply laughed.

"The same could be said to you, General." He laughed once more before walking away, leaving Hux alone to contemplate over these new feelings that had suddenly emerged.


Hux didn't see you again for two weeks. He was on one of his usual strolls about the ship when he got the urge to take a different route. Not thinking much of it, he let his feet guide his way. Not five minutes later he saw you in one of the western halls, gazing out into the darkness of space.

The sudden sight of you made his knees weak and his footsteps falter. You turned at the approaching noise. When you saw him your eyes lit up and you smiled softly at him. It took all his self-control to remain upright and not stumble into the floor.

"Afternoon, General." He nodded in respect.


"Taking a break from the bridge?"

"I am. One can only take the beeping of the scanners for so long."

"Naturally," you smiled.

"How have you enjoyed your time amongst us so far?" he asked as he joined you at your side.

"It hasn't disappointed me. The training has been vigorous, as expected. Though between you and me, I much prefer my training sessions with Kylo than Snoke." You looked up at him and he saw that you had gained quit a bit of bruises and cuts since the last time he saw you. "I shouldn't complain, however. I've learned more these past two weeks than I ever did on my own."

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