Prompt Drabbles- "If you die, I'll kill you." feat. Poe, Kylo, Hux

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Poe walked in stride beside you. You had a spring in your step and wide smile on your face. You couldn't wait to leave. "You know you could at least act a little concerned." "And why would I do that?" You smiled. "Because this mission is actually dangerous and you could get hurt." "Ah, not so easy being on the other side of it huh?" "What are you talking about? "Usually I'm the one worried sick while your hopping in a X-Wing." He squinted his eyes in thought. "It always feel like this?" You turned to face him. "Got a headache that hurts on the side of your head? Hands feel shaky and a bit clammy? Tight feeling in your chest and ten pound weight in your stomach?" He looked at you with furrowed brow. "Yes, to all those things? How did you know?" You smiled brightly up at him and kissed his cheek. "That's how I feel everytime you go off on a mission." "Everytime?!" He exclaimed. "Every time. And it never gets easier." You stood beside your X-Wing, signing the necessary checklists brought to you by the mechanics and slipped on the orange coveralls of the pilots. "When does it stop?" "Whenever you get back." "I'm gonna feel like this the whole time?!" You laughed and punched in few codes on your droid. "If you love me as much as I love you, then yeah." "Oh God," he put his face in his palms and sighed. "I love you way more than you love me this is going to be 10x worse!" You laughed again and rolled your eyes. "I'm never gonna take a solo mission again (y/n)." "Yeah, yeah, you say that now." The captain on deck gave you the all clear and you turned back to Poe. "That's me," you smiled. Poe kissed you urgently before squeezing you in a tight hug. "If you die, I'm gonna kill you." You laughed and hugged him back. "Aye, aye Commander."


You stared at the campfire, your eyes getting lost in the flickering reds and oranges. The forest around you was quiet except for the water droplets that were still running off the foliage. You had fallen silent after Kylo had told you of his plan and he didn't know what else to say. Just when he thought the silence was growing unbearable, you spoke. "If you die, I'm going to kill you." In any other situation he would have thought you were joking, but your eyes were hard set in front of you and you words had been stiff. You looked to him and shook your head. "You're not leaving me alone. I'm not going to be stuck with Snoke alone. If you try to overthrow him and fail, he'll kill you. And I'll be left to suffer the consequences at his hands." You turned back to the fire. "Who will I have then?" He took one of your hands in his. "I won't fail. I promise." You looked at him with watery eyes. "You can't," you said. "Because if you do, you take everything I have with you. If you fall, I won't be far behind." "I won't. This is the next step. I can feel it. Once I succeed, everything will be better for us. We'll have everything we need. We'll be in control." He rested his forehead against yours and spoke softly. "I swear it. Have I ever let you down before?" You shook your head slightly. "Never."


Hux and Kylo rushed down to the landing bay when you'd finally returned. When they arrived medical staff was already rushing you to the medbay. They ran along side the stretcher, not wanting to leave you. Hux couldn't help his eyes from widening when he looked at you. You were covered in scorch marks. The black cloth of your robes were all but burned away on your right side and your exposed skin was violently red and covered in blisters. Your ankle was twisted in an odd direction and there were deep lacerations on your right arm and ribs. Kylo seemed nearly unfazed by it and was pushing singed hair away from your forehead while whispering words of comfort. You replied in glances and slurred words, no doubt a result from your blood loss. "(y/n)?" Hux asked. "Fine," you replied. "I'm...fffine." "You better be fine, because if you die I'm going to kill you." "," you stuttered as you closed your eyes. Kylo took your uninjured hand and looked down at you. "If you die, I'm killing Hux." Your eyes were closed but you still laughed. Hux looked at him insulted. "What did I do?" "You sent her on this mission. By default whatever happens to her is your fault and I well see that you are punished equally and accordingly." You'd finally reached the med bay when a medical officer stopped Hux and Kylo as you were carried away. "Sorry men, you can't come past this point." Kylo took a threatening step forward but Hux spoke before he could act. "Of course, see that she gets every treatment necessary. If anything is needed report to me personally." "Of course, General." He saluted before running off to wherever you'd been taken. Hux stood silently, praying that you'd be okay to whoever would listen. Kylo clapped him on the shoulder, spurring him from his thoughts. "You better hope she makes it out okay. She might have laughed, but I wasn't joking about what I said." "Take your empty threats and leave. Go annoy someone else for a change." "Don't say I didn't warn you." He walked away, but called out over his shoulder. "I want immediate updates on her condition. Don't even try to keep me waiting," he threatened. Hux rolled his eyes and Kylo finally left the medbay, the doors swishing behind him. Hux flexed his hand anxiously. He knew you would be fine, but there was that voice of doubt in his head telling him otherwise. He didn't know what he'd do if you didn't come out of this. After all, he had been the one that sent you on that mission. It was his scouts that hadn't done their job properly. If his actions were to result in your death well, he couldn't really see himself putting up a fight against Kylo's threat. 

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