I finished the rest of my chores without interruption. I slipped into the kitchen and signed my name to the clipboard. I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. I reached the house in no time, which was extremely disappointing. I was kind of hoping the girls had left already, but once again, I was not that lucky. I walked up to the driveway before being spotted by one of the girls.
“There she is! Get her!” I stared at the mass of girls heading towards me wide-eyed.
They all had looks of hate and murder in their faces. I quickly ran around them, skipping towards the back of my house, and slipping through the back door safely. At least I was safe from the riot of girls outside my house.
I spotted my mother with a glass on the table emptied of bourbon. I looked at that bottle next to it, and it was half empty. That meant this would go one of two ways.
She would either be so fuming mad, that she would beat me till I couldn’t walk, or she was too numb to even stand up, let alone hit me. I don’t know which one I wanted. One would hurt me; the other would mean it was hurting the baby.
“Mom?” I asked hesitantly.
She slowly turned around. Her eyes glowered. I knew which way I was about to take. I prayed to God she would just get it over with so that I could be back to work in time.
“You son of a bitch. I called you over two hours ago. When I told you_” She paused to stand. “To get home, I didn’t mean two hours later. I meant NOW!” Her voice shrieked.
Her hand rose and smacked me across the face. I felt the blood rising before I even hit the floor. I heard the chair land beside me, but I didn’t feel it hit me. Her foot revved back and before I could prepare myself, it slammed into my ribs repeatedly.
I closed my eyes as the beating continued. Hopefully she would stop soon. The sooner she got what she wanted, the sooner it would be over.
The next thing I knew, she was passed out on the ground beside me. I guess the Bourbon finally took affect and numbed her. My hands palmed the floor before pushing myself up. My eye sight was blurry, but I didn’t care. I had less than ten minutes to get back to the house. I scooted the bathroom to check how bad the damage was. My face was a mess. I quickly washed away the dried blood and spotted where the source of it was coming from. I pulled the liquid skin out of my purse and applied some to my face. It burned like hell. My eyes began to water, but I didn’t let the tears fall. I decided I would fix my face once I got back to the house.
I ran out the door, forgetting all the hate that was standing on my front lawn. I sprinted through them, not letting any of them spot my face or get a hold of me. I sprinted down the pavement, ignoring my body screaming at me. The pain in my side was killing me, but at the same time, it was beginning to numb. I finally made it to the house. I burst through the door and was greeted by the, oh so lovely Mrs. Shay and Ms. Payne. Fuck my life.

Nothing's Fine
Teen FictionIt's been three years since Liam Payne has been back to his hometown. It is something Sarah would have never guess in a million years. They were best friends before he went to the XFactor and got put in One Direction. Needless to say, they lost touc...