Chapter 12

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I opened the door, letting the night air capture me. It felt good, but at the same time, it made me emotional. I let today’s events run through my mind. How did today get so screwed up? All I wanted was a summer job where I could pretend like there was nothing wrong with my home life.

I walked a little ways until my house came into view. I sighed. I wasn’t necessarily scared. I guess once the abuse becomes so common, you stop being scared.

I walked through my front door, careful not to make too much noise in case my mother had actually fallen asleep. To my surprise, she had. Maybe, just maybe, this baby could be a good thing. Walking around with some extra weight must’ve made my mother more tired than usual, and I was perfectly okay with that.

I walked up stairs, and into my room. I let my bag fall to the floor with a thump. I sprawled out on the bed, letting exhaustion take over. I guess I should’ve taken a shower, but honestly, I don’t think it mattered. It’s not like the water would be warm anyway, and the cold water would just wake me up.

I let my eyes flutter closed as I felt my butt vibrate. I groaned before pulling in out of my back pocket. I don’t know why I had a phone. It’s not like I needed it. I only got calls or messages on special occasions, like for instance, right now. I clicked open, and read the message without reading who it was from.

*Hey, I hope you don’t mind. I saw your phone and took the liberty of giving myself your number.

I rolled my eyes before throwing my phone on my dresser. I didn’t even have to look at the name to realize who the master-mind was. If Carter really wanted to talk to me, he could wait till morning.

My sleep didn’t last long. As a matter of fact, it lasted a good two hours. Why? Because at five in the morning, I was yanked out of bed straight to the floor.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. Once they adjusted to the light, I saw my glowering mother in front of me with vodka in hand. Her eyes were red-rimmed and her mouth was snarling at me.

“How dare you not come home last night? You know you’re curfew!”

She through the vodka at the wall behind me, barely missing my head. Vodka isn’t cheap and I knew for a fact that I was gunna have to go buy her a new one with my hard-earned money.

I scrambled up, and pressed my back against the wet wall. I closed my eyes as I saw the shadow of her hand come over me. The next second, I was on the ground again. I whimpered, I as attempted to lift myself again. Standing became extremely impossible when she collided her hand to my collar bone. I yelped out in pain as I cowered on the floor.

The beating went on for about thirty minutes. It probably would’ve been longer if my mom wouldn’t have passed out on my bed. I laid on the floor, not moving for what seemed like hours. I closed my eyes, attempting to ignore the stinging all over my body. I could smell as well as taste the blood all around me. This was by far possibly the worst beating yet.

I cursed Liam. This was his fault. The beating wouldn’t have been this bad if he would’ve just let me leave. Fuck him. Fuck him and his family and his stupid idiotic mind for thinking I would ever forgive him!

I slowly stood, allowing my body to adjust to each movement. I was careful not groan, or make any noise for that matter out of fear of waking my mom. Once my body was in an upright position, I pushed off the floor in one swift motion. I figured it would equal less pain if it was over a shorter period of time. Obviously my brain wasn’t working properly. That logic might work for a Band-Aid, but not this. I hissed as the sharp pains flew across my body.

I stood still, not making any moves until I realized that my mom was still passed out. I moved one foot at a time towards my bag. It was tossed on the floor, so I gave my body another jolt of pain as I reached down and threw the bag on my arm. I squeezed my eyes shut, allowing my body to adjust again.

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