I woke up sprawled across the floor. The feeling returned to my hands. They pressed against the floor, assisting me in getting up. Once I was up right, last night’s event came spiraling back into my mind. My mother was pregnant, and it was my fault.
My head pounded. I couldn’t think of a worse time in my life. My hand flew to my face, barely brushing over my eye. I felt the swollenness. I pushed my aching body the rest of the way off the floor. I grabbed ahold of the table that was waiting for me. It kept me balanced as I walked over to the bathroom. I hissed as I saw my body.
My bottom lip was swollen. It complemented my beautiful broken nose that went along with my amazing two black eyes. I glanced down at my arms. It wasn’t like I needed too. I already knew what was there based on how my body felt.
I staggered out of the bathroom against my own will. Halfway down the hallway, I tripped over my drunken mother. She groaned before passing out again. I stepped over her, making my way to the stairs. I had to get cleaned up and I sure as hell couldn’t be late. Being late and bruised would not look good on my first day.
I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I would have to sacrifice some bills on some heavy concealer. The bruises were easy to hide with what I had right now, but this was only the first stage in my mother’s pregnancy. She hadn’t even started her mood swings yet. I accepted the fact that my swollen lip wasn’t something that was going to be hidden. I’d have to think of an excuse on the way to the house.
I stretched out my legs and my arms, forcing them to work without hesitation. This job was a one shot job. One screw up and I was out. I was only eighteen. They usually hired twenty-five and older, but I made an exception.
I ran out the door, not thinking twice about my practically dead to the world mother lying on the ground. I hope to God she’s just an alcoholic and not a druggie. The baby doesn’t deserve to be born into this family. It didn’t do anything wrong. Why should it be punished? I know I can’t really change that fact, but it would help my conscience if I knew it was being born, not addicted to drugs.
I started the walk down my street. The house where I was supposed to be working wasn’t very far away. As a matter of fact, I knew exactly where it was, as well as where every room in the house was. My best friend lived there. As in, he lived there in the past. He grew past the childhood friendships though. He became famous, and basically forgot about his life before he became a celebrity.
I made it to the driveway without any obstacles. My muscles decided they were going to work with my bones today and allowed me to reach this house without falling into pieces. I walked up the driveway, taking in the row of cars parked along the side of the house, as well as in the driveway. Either, I was going to be dealing with a lot of people, or, well there wasn’t really an or.
I braced myself as I took the employees route to the side door. I read a note that said, ‘If you’re new, just walk in.’ It seemed slightly promising. I twisted the handle, slowly opening the door making sure I wasn’t walking in on anything crude. Once I saw that the coast was clear, I quickly made my way through the doorway.
I stood in the middle of the kitchen, waiting for someone to come through and notice me. I should’ve known that my luck wasn’t that great. I walked toward the door that led to the main hallway.
“Where do you think you’re going?” A snobby voice shot through the air. Not good.
I spun around to where I was faced with the lady who I assumed would be called my boss.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t find anyone, so I just thought_” She cut me of mid-explanation.
“Save it. We’re not here to converse. Put your belongings in the closet over there. Quickly.” She snapped.
Once my belongings were placed in the closet, I found the lady again, tapping her foot against the tile floor. I slowly exhaled. I could do this. I needed to do this because I won’t live if I don’t.
“Every morning. Not just Mondays or Fridays. Every morning, at six, you come in here. Immediately put your stuff in the closet, and then start your duties. I’m not naïve enough to think that you won’t form relationships with the other workers, but if I see anything, anything other than work being done. You will immediately be removed from this position. Got it?” She turned, motioning for me to follow before I could respond. We reached the door before she continued her rant.
“And it should go without saying, those who are staying here, are completely off limits. No flirting, no relationships, not even friendships. We don’t want certain factors affecting your work ethic. You only speak to them if spoken to.” She paused to take a breath. “Rule number one, you have one hour of break every day. It’s your choice when to take it. There is a sign in/out sheet in the kitchen. You leave your duty; you sign out and sign in when you return. You can take four fifteen minute breaks every day, or twelve five minute breaks. You could take it all at once for all I care, but you only get one hour. Rule number two, no swearing. When I saw no swearing, I mean, absolutely none. No, faggot, fuck, shit, queer, sucks, slut, hoe, any word that even relates to a swear is prohibited. Rule number three, if any of the Payne’s ask you to do something, you disregard anything you are told to do, to do ask they say. They come first.”
“Did you just say the Payne’s?” She looked back at me, as if she didn’t even realize I was there.
“Yes. The Payne’s are who you are cleaning for. Is that a problem?” She sneered.
“No Mam.” I knew he lived he before. Like I said, we were best friends, but they moved. Why were they back?
“Rule number four, you are an employee here. You do anything to embarrass this organization; you are gone the next day and will never be hired again. Understand?”
“Yes ‘mam”
“Good. Here is you’re list of daily chores. When this is finished, come see me.”

Nothing's Fine
Novela JuvenilIt's been three years since Liam Payne has been back to his hometown. It is something Sarah would have never guess in a million years. They were best friends before he went to the XFactor and got put in One Direction. Needless to say, they lost touc...