Chapter 5

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I stared back at a wide-eyed Ms. Payne and Mrs. Shay. I waited for them to speak. The looks they were giving me were completely different. Mrs. Shay looked as if she wanted to rip my throat out for showing myself, but Ms. Payne looked like she wanted to hug me forever.

“I’m sorry. I had some things to deal with. Do you mind me using the bathroom to get fixed up?”

“Sweetie! What happened? Oh my gosh, we need to get you to the doctor!” Ms. Payne was rushing towards the phone. Liam instantly flew into my mind. Why? I have no idea. What I did know was that I couldn’t let this get out into the public, or let him know about this.

“No!” I shouted, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. I received a vicious glare from Mrs. Shay. “I meant to say, that you don’t have to. It’s just a couple minor cuts. I just need to put a little make-up on and I’ll be fine. Thank you anyway.”

“Sarah, sweetie, you don’t have to play the tough guy.”

“I know. I’m not. I just want to get back to work if that’s okay?” I looked over at Mrs. Shay who had a stern look on her face.

“Fine. Make sure no sign of the mess is on your face.” She practically growled.

“Yes, mam.” I looked at the ground, waiting for permission to leave. It wasn’t granted.

“Does Liam know? I’m sure he would want you to_” I cut her off. I soon realized that was the wrong decision.

“No. He doesn’t know and I would strongly appreciate if he didn’t ever know. Please?” I looked at Mrs. Payne hopefully. With one last sigh, she agreed to act like this never happened.

I scurried to the bathroom with my purse in hand. I grabbed the concealer and opened it. I fell to the ground, splattering across the floor.

“Damn it!” I hissed, as I knelt to the ground.

“Problem in here?” I spun around and spotted Carter leaning against the door.

“Do you follow me on freaking purpose?” I growled.

“No, I just heard you cuss and was like, oh, something must be wrong.”

“In the bathroom? You just barged in? What if I was pooping?”


“Yes pooping as in releasing bodily_”

“I know what it is. No need to explain.”

I shook my head. He hadn’t brought up my face yet. Maybe that was a good sign. He knelt down next to me, with a wet towel in hand.

“Listen, piling on the make-up isn’t gunna make anything less noticeable.”

“Excuse me?”

“The cuts and bruises? You might cover them up, but everyone can tell that you’re hiding something.”

“Nobody else has noticed it…” I drifted off.

“Nobody else has the guts to bring up the fact to you.”

I groaned, leaning my back against the wall.

“You’re bull shitting me aren’t you?”

“Did somebody just cuss again?”

“I’m serious; I want to know whether or not to go through all the trouble.”

“Listen, I think you should cover it up, but not use so much. Cause right now, you’re the houses slut.”

“You’re kidding?”

“It’s true! I didn’t make it up!”

I stood up, pulling out my spare bottle. I started to apply before I realized Carter hadn’t left.

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