“Sarah_” Liam started before I turned and glared at him.
He hung his head in defeat. We sat there silently, not moving, just letting the wind brush through us. I heard the door open and Louis voice shot out, calling for Liam and I. Liam was stupid enough to not close the window, so Louis went straight for the suicide route.
His head shot out screaming, we both looked at him, mostly in shock. I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing. Liam’s neck craned around and was smiling at me. I tried to stifle my smile but for some reason I couldn’t. Louis coughed before saying sorry and bringing his head back through the window. He shut it so we could have some privacy. The minute Louis left, I went back to glaring at Liam.
“So he gets a smile, and a laugh?”
“Did you fucking expect to get one?”
“I’m not talking about now. I’m talking about this whole time you’ve been here.”
“I’ve smiled with you! And I’ve laughed!”
“Oh really? You might have chuckled once or twice, but nothing like that!” He pointed into space.
“Are we really discussing this? I think we have a bigger issue on our hands!”
“No! We don’t! Because Sarah, what I said was true and there’s nothing I can do to take it back, let alone want to take it back!”
I swallowed hard. I suddenly couldn’t breathe. I wasn’t expecting that. Tears came pouring out of my eyes. Louis said that Liam didn’t mean the words he said. I was expecting him to try and apologize, not confirm what he had said to Danielle.
“Were you expecting me to come out here and beg you to take me back? Huh?”
“I don’t know why! I knew you wouldn’t!”
“Bull shit! You love for me to chase you!”
“That’s not true!”
“Then what is it? Huh? You really can’t hate me that much for leaving you so that I could live my fucking dream! There’s an underlying reason because you didn’t hate me the first time I left, you were excited!”
This was it. Everything I thought about, everything he thought about, everything we felt was about to be laid out in front of us and there was no turning back. This was going to make or break us. There was no in between. We were either going to be stronger than ever, or so furious with each other that one of us was flying off this ledge tonight.
“Because the first time you left, I knew you’d come back for me!”
“And why’d you think that?”
“Because we had a solid friendship! We talked every night! Not one thing went unsaid!”
“Well, we all know that’s a lie now…” He spat.
My face scrunched as I turned to hide more tears. He was right. I hid everything from him, but that didn’t change the fact that he distanced himself away from me as we grew older. He coughed into his sleeve. The wind was blowing, giving the once warm air and chill. I could feel goose bumps rising along my skin. He coughed again.
“Are you getting sick?” I whispered.
“No.” His voice unusually hard.
“Maybe we should go in.”
“Maybe we should stay out here and talk.”
“You’ve already told me that you meant what you said. I can go stay in a home, it’s no_”

Nothing's Fine
JugendliteraturIt's been three years since Liam Payne has been back to his hometown. It is something Sarah would have never guess in a million years. They were best friends before he went to the XFactor and got put in One Direction. Needless to say, they lost touc...