Chapter 48

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A sleepy eyed Emily walked through the door and yawned. She hopped up onto the bar stool and mechanically started to chow down on her cereal.

“Morning sleepy head. Where’s Kaylie?” I smiled, taking a seat next to her.

She spoke with her mouth full of food, and said that she was still asleep. I laughed, remembering how she came out around nine last night. I couldn’t help myself. I was slap happy. I was finally winning at life.

The doorbell rang and a grin spread across Chantelle’s face. Before I could even get up, she ran to the door, opening wide and proud. I heard her say hello, and let the stranger know where I was. He walked through the double doors, and Emily looked up from the cereal. With a mouth full of food, she asked who he was.

“I’m Liam.” He smiled, sitting on the other side of her. “And you are?”

“I’m Emily.”

“Emily, chew before you speak.” She swallowed and continued.

“Are you mommy’s friend from yesterday?”

“I am.”

“Why were you yelling at her? Did she get in trouble?” I laughed, watching Liam’s face turn to confusion.

“No. She didn’t. We weren’t fighting, we just_”

Kaylie walked through the door, and Liam’s face lit up. I bit my lip, trying to hide the smile on my face.

“You must be Kaylie.”

She nodded, walking around him and taking her seat on the stool.

“You talk loud.” She mumbled.


I pulled Liam out of the room to give him a quick rundown, only to run into Chantelle.

“You know, you’re a douche for what you did.” Liam’s eyes widened. “But since you came back, you have my blessing to sweep her off her feet and kiss her. Right now. In front of me. So that I can take a picture and prove that this is really happening.”

I looked at her in horror. I pushed her away. Liam began to laugh and I covered his mouth.

“You are not off the hook.”

“I’m close aren’t I?”

“No. I told them, well, Kaylie, that you were a loud talker, that you weren’t being mean.”

“Oh, but_”

“And you’re just a friend. Only a friend.”

“Okay. Once again, I’ll take what I can get. Listen. I know it’s early but_”

He began to pull something out of his back pocket. As soon as my mind registered what he had, I held his arm still.

“No. I don’t need it.”

“Stop it. Hear me out. I wasn’t here_”

“You’re here now. I don’t want, or need your money. This isn’t what this is about.”

“I know, I just I want_”

“If you’re going to be here for now on like you promised, why would I need that. Unless you have something to tell me. In that case, you might as well leave now because I will kill you.”

“No! I’m not leaving! I told you I would prove_ You know what? Never mind. I got a better plan. What do you need me to do first?”


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