Chapter 34

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I woke up with my face pressed against Liam’s chest. I could hear the slight snore of the two boys sharing the cabin with me. I glanced out the window and noticed that we were almost there. I sat up, not worrying about waking Liam up.

I stretched my arms before glancing around for something to do. I settled for just listening to my iPod. I was tapping my feet to the beat as I heard a whistle go off. At that same time, the train pulled into the station.

The whistle had woken the boys up. They both groaned, rising up.

“We’re here?” Louis voice was husky.

“Yeah. Come on sleepy heads.” I laughed, standing up and grabbing my bags.

They followed suit. As we walked through the train to get out, I couldn’t help but notice the stares and the whispers. I ignored it as I hopped off the train. The station was loud and crowded.  I heard a shrill of screams before I felt two hands grab me by the waist to hold me back. I turned around to where Liam was now smiling and talking to a couple of girls.

Louis held me in place and walked me over to the girls as he smiled and said hello. I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. The girls gave me a look of disgust, before expressing their love for the two boys once more.

After what seemed like a thousand pictures later, Liam and Louis finally said their good-byes and we began walking again.

“So, you all didn’t  bring security why?” I questioned.

“It’s not that bad usually babe. And we figured this wasn’t a trip where security was needed.” Liam smiled.

“You guys are famous. How can you say you don’t need security?”

“Because as long as we don’t tweet where we’re at, we can usually get by with a few fans.”

“You have this planned out don’t you?”

“Yeah. You get used to it.” He snickered.

We walked in silence to the car rental place. Louis walked up, once again, being the one to pay for the car. I watched as he talked with the man.

“Hey. Do you know where you want to start?”

“Start?” I laughed. He already knew the answer.

“Hey! I was just checking!”

“No Liam. I was hoping we could go to the library for a few, maybe look up the name?”

“It’s your trip babe! We can do whatever!” He smirked.

“I don’t want to force you to do anything!”

“Chill! We can do anything!” He laughed as Louis walked back over.

He shook a pair of car keys in his hand as he tossed them to Liam.

“You’re driving.”

“What? No!” Liam groaned.

“Yes! And where are you driving to?” He turned to me.

I smiled before replying.

“The library. I’m guessing you know where one is?” I replied sarcastically.

“Are you telling me you know where I’m from?” He mocked.

“Oh yes! Didn’t you know? I’m a secret fangirl! I aspire to marry all five of you!” I laughed.

“Well, you got two of us to yourself. Shall we go to the nearest church?” He played along.

I glanced at Liam. He had a sour look on his face before rolling his eyes and stalking off towards the car that should be pulling around about now.

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