Chapter 2: The Superstar

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Here's an Update Guys!! Hope you like it!

Chapter 2:

"I told You, Taeng. I'm busy, I don't have time for those blind Dates." Yuri declined His Best Friend's Offer.

They are in His Pad, He was having His Day Off and His Good for nothing Best Friend just barged in and told Him about His impending Blind Date tomorrow night.

"But Yul, You haven't even met this Girl. I promise, You'll like Her. I even sacrificed My Relationship with Pany-ah just to make sure She's free tomorrow. Please.." Taeyeon shook His arms repeatedly, He can't just give up now that Tiffany was even mad at Him thinking that He was cheating on Her.

He retracted and walk towards the Kitchen to get something to drink, He originally wanted to just sleep all day, He's so exhausted from His work. He just arrived the other day from a photoshoot in the States. Being an A-list celebrity isn't simple but He can't Complain since He Loves His Job so much.

"You know I'm very careful with going out in Public, what more for a Date? And I don't care how much You sacrificed for this, I didn't even asked You for it." He told him tossing a can of beer that Taeyeon skillfully catches, He opened it and bubbles spurted out of the can.

Yuri sit beside His Best Friend comfortably.

"Nana is a good catch Yul, Tiffany saw her picture and got jealous. That means that She's every Girls' nightmare."

"Your Tiffany is always jealous with every Girls You talk to, I don't see anything special with that Nana."

"Yul, just this once, be honest with Me.." Taeyeon turned in a serious tone.


"Are You.. You know?"

"Know what? Can You just get straight to the point?"

"Just tell me. I won't judge You. We will still be Best Friends. I love You for who You are Dude."

"You know what, Taeng? You're freaking Me out. Can You just fucking tell me what's wrong?"

"Are you possibly.. Gay?"

"Ga... what? Who's Gay? Me? The fuck, Taeng! I mean, I don't judge Gay People, it's just that, not being interested with the Girl You're trying to match Me with doesn't mean I'm Gay. She's just not My type."

"What is Your type then. You're too picky. You're Working with a lot of Beautiful Actresses and not even One of Them got Your Attention."

"I don't know. I'll tell You when I found the right One." He said, He's actually tired of explaining why He doesn't have a Girlfriend yet, His Mother has been asking for a Grandchild from Him but how can He Produce a Kid when He doesn't even have a Girlfriend to Introduce to Them.

"Seriously Yul, Your turning Thirty in a Few Years and You haven't even Introduced a Girlfriend to Us. Are You just keeping it from Us? What about the Girls You had One Night stands with, You don't like any of Them? Don't tell Me You're satisfied with just that?"

"Why would I keep something like that to You Guys. And besides, what's wrong with one night stand? It's fun, don't Play Innocent here, Taeng. You're the One started it in Our Circle. You're even worst trying a Threesome."

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