Chapter 19: Is It Taeny No more?

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Chapter 19:

Tiffany and Taeyeon were in the pool area talking, Taeyeon is pleading His Girlfriend to forgive Him for lying about Jessica and Yuri's relationship.

"What You did is completely unforgivable! You know how much I hate lying and You still did!" Tiffany has Her arms crossed over Her chest.


"If You didn't lie to Me then Jessica and Yuri will not be in this situation! Jessica wouldn't have been pregnant with Yuri's Baby!"

Taeyeon looked at Her in baffled expression. "I just don't understand why You hate Yuri so much?"

"I don't hate Yuri, He is My friend but I can't accept someone like Him for My Cousin. I don't want Jessi to feel what I feel."

"What do You mean?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Kim Taeyeon! Yuri's a player, He will eventually look for other girls if Jessi can't satisfy Him anymore."

"That's how low You think of Yuri and Me? Can't You understand that it's all in the past now! I admit I WAS a player, I used to be a Player but after I met You I never look for other Girls anymore! And it's freaking Four years since We've started dating, yet You still doubt Me, Did You caught Me flirting other girls in four years?"

"No! But that's because You are a good player and an expert liar, and You have Friends who could back You up!"

"Can't You just forget about the past and live with what We have? We're getting married in a few days, Pany-ah! We can't live together forever fighting over the things happened in the past!"

"Yeah, that's right, Me and My Baby can't live Our lives with a person like you. I hate You, Kim Taeyeon!" She slapped Him hard.

"Do I make Your life hard?" He held His cheek.

"What? Oh Yes! I'm always paranoid, I always think if You fuck other Girls behind My back, and knowing that You are a freaking liar? I don't know what to believe now. I don't even know if I should believe when You say You Love Me."

"I love you, Tiffany, I love You so much. But if we're going to live Our lives fighting for the same reason over and over again and I make Your life really hard, then We better live Our lives separately."

"You're calling the wedding off?"

"I don't wanna make Your life hard anymore so It's better to set You free."

"This is Your plan, isn't it?" Taeyeon look at Her confusedly. "You making Me Pregnant with Your Baby then leave Me to freely fuck as many Girls You could."

He sighed and shake His head, "I'm tired, I'm tired of explaining to You. I'm tired of explaining when I'm not even doing anything wrong. It's tiring, Tiffany."

"Now I'm tiring? Okay then go! Go back to Korea and have fun!"

"I don't know how to prove Myself to You. If You want I will take care of Our Baby after You give birth, so no one will make You remember anything about Me."

"No! This is My baby. I won't give My Baby to You."

"Then at least let Him know I exist. That's all Tiffany." Taeyeon kissed Her on the forehead. "I love you. You should know that."

He then walked away leaving Tiffany crying on the floor.

The household were waiting for Them in the Living room, they know that the two were not in good terms since Taeyeon stayed in a Hotel Suite since last night.

"Taeng!" Yuri called Him carrying Krystal, He still haven't seen Jessica since She was still sleeping.

"Yul! Come on, let's go to My suite." Taeyeon bowed to the elders.

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