Chapter 79: YulSic Moments

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Chapter 79:

The party started everyone is having a great time, the family gave speech for the couple and performances from their friends, Seohyun gave series of performances for the married couple.

Krystal, Irene and Sulli showed random dance on the stage that made all the visitors awed at their cuteness. Krystal also gave a solo singing for them.

Jessica and Tiffany gave a duet performance and Kyuhyun sang with Sunny and there's also Taeyeon's solo performance, While the other three guys, Sooyoung, Yuri and Yoong gave a dorky dancing with Nayoung that made everyone laugh.

Jessica was sitting on the chair with the kids on their high chairs, Yuri and the guys are still on the stage.

"Mama." Daehan called reaching for his mother.

Jessica look at him then smiled, she then stood up and carried him on her lap.

"Are you sleepy?" She asked seeing him yawn.

"Dada.." He pointed His Dad who's now walking to them.

Yuri sat down on the chair next to his wife and move his seat to get closer to her.

Jessica smiled and wipe his sweats away. "You dance crazily and look at you now." She told her.

Yuri was panting, he's tired of their random dance. "I just missed it." He said and pinch Daehan's cheek.

The American take a spoonful of food and feed her husband. "Hmm. All the foods are yummy!! I wanna eat everything!" Yuri clap like a kid.

"Dork." Jessica laughed at her husband and feed him more.

"We've been eating a lot. We're gonna get big tummies." Yuri giggled.

"It's fine. I still love you."

Minguk and Manse were busy playing and eating on their high chairs with Sulli and Irene.

Yuri stared at his wife who is cradling Daehan to sleep. Jessica is wearing a strapless dress aqua blue dress that's hugging her body.

"Don't stare at me like that. I might melt." He heard her say.

He chuckled and leaned for a kiss. "I can't help it. You look fabulously beautiful." He whispered.

Jessica look at Daehan then to Yuri. "Our Handsome Daehanie is already sleeping." She said.

Yuri nodded and take Daehan to her. "Let's bring the kids to the beach house." He told her.

Jessica stood up and take Manse, Nayoung take Minguk and went to the beach house with them.

"Nayoungie.. don't you wanna party with everyone.?" Jessica asked.

The younger girl shake her head. "I want to stay in a quiet place." She said. "I'll just play with the kids."

Yulsic nodded and put the kids on the room with their toys. Yuri laid on the bed with Daehan as Jessica sat on the edge with her hand on his chest.

"You tired?" She asked caressing his chest.

Yuri nodded and hold her hand on his chest. "We're going back home in a few days." He suddenly said.

"I know.. we had fun spending time with the whole family." Jessica was staring at her husband's face.

She can't help but to admire his good looks. "You look so handsome Love." She said that made him smiled cheekily.

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