Chapter 61: All the Love in San Francisco (M)

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Hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Chapter 61:

The Couple were busy with their make outs, Yuri was about to take Jessica's shirt off when a knock on the door was heard followed by a loud voice of Krystal.

"Unnie.. Oppa.. Manse pooped." She screamed.

They stopped as they heard it. Yuri stood up and help his wife. "Later babe." She winked.

Yuri nodded in understanding. They walked to the door and went out, Yuri cleaned Manse while Jessica plays with the other four kids.

"Mama.. mamamamam." Irene mumbled as she walked to Her and gave Jessica her toy.

"You are so cute!!!" The blonde girl grab the little girl's face and kissed her cheek nonstop.

"Eeenng." Irene sounded complaining, maybe because she wanted to play.

She turned to her right and noticed Minguk so focus on the music player. His head and fingers are moving to the beat of the music.

She smiled, She notice that Minguk is a music lover ever since, and she will never be surprised if her Second Child has a beautiful voice, it runs in the family after all.

Krystal was busy reading Daehan a book. Her first born loves book, and so easy to understand things, he listens when you talk to him and will look at you like he's trying to understand what you wanna tell him.

"Dyanie.. come here to Mommy." She said and motioned him to come closer.

Daehan tilted his head first before he tried to stand up on his own to go to his Mother.

"I love you Yosefi Daehan." Jessica kissed him and let him sit on his lap. Of all her three boys she knew Daehan is the matured and responsible one. Just by looking at their actions prove her right.

She's afraid that Daehan will be aloof and distant to her when he grows up. Manse and Minguk are clingy type of kids, they love getting attention but Daehan is a quiet one.

"My handsome and smart firstborn." She mumbled and showered him kisses. Daehan chuckled and tried to push her face.

"Kyaak!! Mama, Mama." He giggled.

Jessica felt happy hearing this from him. "Yes Baby!! Always call Mommy, call Mommy first if you need anything." She mumbled and tickled the little one. "You can't have a girlfriend okay? Only Mommy." She whispered.

Irene was staring at them, she's clapping her hands loudly as she drool. Jessica chuckled and wiped it away.

"Oh gosh you look exactly like your Dad!" She pinch her cheek. "Irene also wants to be tickled?" She asked and the little one let out a toothy grin. She pulled the little girl slowly and made her sit on her other lap. "You're gonna be a big sister." She told her.

Yuri then went out of the bathroom and let Manse walk naked while he get him clothes and diapers. Jessica saw him and covered Irene's eyes playfully.

"Omo!" She said faking a shock look. "Don't show it to your Irene Noona." She laughed. Manse clapped his hands and giggled.

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